Tuesday, October 26, 2004

soup is good food

it seems that the pain that was once around my knee and lower leg has turned into a sharp pain in the heel of my foot. how that came about i have no idea. sammy came with me today so that i could have her tell my doctor what was up. i also had her explain to him that the cut on the palm of my hand that i did years ago has left my middle finger slightly numb. i wasn't sure if this might in anyway change the results of acupuncture but since he was putting pins in my left middle finger i thought he should know. he looked at my palm and asked how i did it. i explained it to sammy and in turn she told him. then he felt around my ankle and took my pulse. he asked if i had any digestion problems recently. my answer was no. he had me lay on the table and he started to poke around my stomach. it did hurt slightly. he thinks that there might be a slight digestion problem and recommended having some soybean soup that helps with digestion. i love how the doctor prescribe soups. just like a grandma. for my treatment today he concentrated on my heel. he found the most painful points on my left palm to insert the pins. i had more pins in me this time then the last. however there were no machines. just the heat lamp. it was actually quite relaxing. my whole body just absorbed in the engery that was pulsating through me. the process took ten minutes. as one nurse took out the pins the other started to remove the tape from the last visit. this was definitely more painful than any needle going into my body. when she spoke to the doctor she let out a kind of nervous giggle. it wasn't until i got back to school that i realize her giggle was due to the fact that she removed most of my hair leg. ouch. the doctor wants me to come in at least one more time so i'll be back on thursday. i asked about tae kwon do and he wants me to skip it the rest of the week. he said i could do the strenching but doesn't want me to put much pressure on the foot yet. it looks like tkd will be on hold til november. hopefully i'll be able to get credit for the classes i missed. i'll have to ask shin. can't wait for that conversation.

for lunch i decided to go with the spicy soybean soup. it was so good and hot. i could feel myself sweating the whole time. i'm going to try to make kimchee stew this weekend. thats another soup that is suppose to be good for you. we'll see how it works.

today it got cold. after lunch horace and i went for mochas and lattes. yes its official. i'm addicted again. on our way there we noticed a bunch of people in black shirts and red handbands sitting on the sidewalk. there was a man standing in front of them yelling about something. every once in awhile they'd throw their fists in the air. it looked like some kind of protest. i think they're protesting the dunkin doughnuts. anyway it was quite a site. i only wished i had my camera. i think i'm going to have to carry it with me at all times.

tonight we're going to chill and watch some episodes of "popular". for those of you who haven't seen this show yet rent it. i can't tell you how good it is. time to motor. until next time…


Pevil said...

Soup IS good food! Your acupuncture sounds...interesting.

Prattlepants said...

i know how you can get class credit from master shin... he he he.