Friday, October 01, 2004

master shin

friday already. i love these short weeks. had all my classes today. everything went fine. although in the kindergarten class kelly kept talking to me in korean and i was trying to have her speak in english which she couldn't. she kept trying to leave the class and i was telling her no. finally i figured out she had to use the restroom. talk about communication problems. the rest of the day i spent listening to my walkman working on lesson plans. let the good times roll.

we made contact with master shin from the tae kwon do class. we met him at 8:30 pm in front of dunkin doughnut to go to his class. i was very excited about this. his class is actually right across the street from our apartments. we got there and he showed us around and we talked about cost, how many students, etc. we found out that if we took classes and were very dedicated we could be blackbelts in 8 months. how exciting is that. one thing about koreans is that they are very blunt. he asked us some questions which really set me back. i wasn't ready for someone i just met to get so personal. this has been one of the hardest things to get used to. well that and the constanst staring. after that i wasn't really sure how to respond and wanted to leave but we didn't. we stayed for the class. the workout was really good. i had a little trouble keeping my balance at times and some of the kicks were kind of hard. i was a little nervous at first. sometimes i get embarrassed doing new things in front of strangers. after awhile i just blocked it all out and once i focused on my target being haf which made it all the better.

i worked up a total sweat but it was good. after class master shin asked if we wanted to join but we told him we had to think about it. i'm sure he thinks we didn't like it. as much as i liked the class i wasn't too sure how i felt about him. he did comment that i did a good job for never doing it before. perhaps i have some superhero in me after all. that made me feel good. we left tae kwon do and went to the western bar to have a few beers. we needed to decompress from all that happened. i told horace how i felt really good after the classs but master shin made me feel uncomfortable. after discussing it we decided that this adventure is about us and no one else. so screw him and his questions. this is about doing things we wouldn't normally do, so we are going to take the class. which means i'll get a tae kwon do uniform. how fun is that. i'm coming back to sf as a blackbelt so watch out.

tomorrow we are taking our first korean class. they have classes for free here. and then on sunday we are going to mediate at a temple with monks. i'm so excited. ok, i'm so tired right now i can hardly think. hope everyone is good. until next time. stay tuned to ketv…

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

master shin. ha! my word that i use to say instead of swearing is SHIN! so now you may think of master shin as master shit. hahahaha. i love that you have a dunkin donuts across the street from your apt. just like being back in boston. i totally understand the getting embarrassed doing new things in front of strangers. i get that way too. my co-worker maureen, her brother is a korean buddhist monk in seoul. he's tall and white and has blue eyes. maybe you'll meet your future husband. monks can be cool too! when he came to visit in his little outfit, he kept staring at me and then finally said, i think your tattoos are awesome! well i don't think he said awesome. i think he may have said a more monkly word. hee. hez!