Tuesday, October 19, 2004

bread and smiles go a long way

ok. first thing first. i found out today exactly how you need to dial my number. i changed it in yesterdays blog but figured i'd address it one more time. to call korea you dial it like this 011 + 82 +10 +7744 +0594. hopefully that will work.

i had acupuncture again this morning. not sure how i really feel about my tae kwon do teacher adminstrating it. does he even know what he's doing? he certainly looks like he does. this is what i think about as i sit in the chair with needles poking out of my leg. later on while talking to jk and horace i started to think again if maybe i shouldn't have done this and perhaps went to a specialist. jk told me there are lots of eastern doctors here. its just a matter of whether or not they will understand me. i'm sure i'll figure something out. back to my story. so there i am again sitting and talking with master shin one on one. of course he has to ask out of jenny and heather [two girls in my class] which is my type. i said neither. and then he started telling me about this english club he belongs to and that i should go with him some time to meet korean women. thats all he can talk about yet he's not even close to having one himself. this is one very lonely man. so this goes on for awhile. at this point i'm completely bored with the conversation because its the same as always. then he starts playing this song from desparado. antonio banderas is singing. and he has it on repeat. not only did i have to hear it once but three times. and it louds. i so wanted to pull out every needle in my leg and run. when it was all done he insisted on walking me back to the school. i told him he didn't have to but he said he needed milk. whatever. i really wanted to stop in the bakery so once we finally parted ways i had to backtrack to the bakery.

they didn't have this delicious corn bread i was looking for so i had to settle for a regular looking loaf. before i went to the counter to pay i saw this very tastey looking apple strudel/bread pudding thing. of course i had to have one. so i'm at the counter ready to pay. the lady starts talking to me about the bread. i smile showing all my teeth and say i have no idea what you are saying. then i hold my hands up to say "i don't know." she continues to talk to me and i continue to talk to her and neither of us have any idea what the other is saying. then the other woman starts doing charades to try to tell me what the first woman said. it looked like she was kneading bread or something. i thought that maybe she was telling me the bread was enriched. who really knows. i gave her a big smile and the thumbs up sign pretending i knew what she said. she laughed. i laughed. the first lady laughed. i paid said thank you in korean. we all exchanged goodbyes in korean smiling and then i left. i love the bakery ladies.

today we had to plan out exactly what we are going to do for the halloween party. we decided to have 3 stations set up. one with pin the nose on the jack-o-lantern, two being an arts and craft, and 3 a mummy wrap game. we are also converting one of the classrooms into the mad scientists labortory. so much spooky fun. i'll be sure to capture the day on film. it'll be happening next friday. i really have to figure out a costume. this kid is getting sleepy. goodnight all. until tomorrow.

1 comment:

Prattlepants said...

im not sure if this has crossed your mind or not but i think master shin is maybe interested in a woman named Ethan... i mean he keeps pushing the subject and following you around and wants to fiddle with your knees while playing a romantic antonio banderas soundtrack... add it up. sorry, i didnt mean to bring you down. tell him you have a lovely woman back in sf (me) who would be crushed if you gave in to the shin master.