Monday, October 25, 2004


after 3 years of being coffee free i had my first white chocolate mocha today. of course i jump right in with the mocha. it was the best thing i've had in ages. i have a sneaky suspesion that there will be more of them in my future. as long as i keep them to a few here and there and not a daily thing i should be fine. i'll probably return to the states a coffee freak. at the post office today, which also happens to be a bank and insurance office, i realized that koreans are pushy. i watched two different people butt in line and don't one person said a thing. and of course when my turn came up they get all freaked out about having to help a whitey. what could have been a 5 minute task turned into a 20 minute nightmare of sorts. i always leave the post office not knowing if my packages will ever find there way out of korea.

last week after horace was yelled at by the cleaning lady in our apartment, we realized that we had to have "special" bags for our trash. we be using the bags we get from carrefour but i guess thats a big no-no. anyway, one would think that you'd be able to find these trash bags in the grocery store. well after cruising up and down every aisle twice i gave up. there were no trash bags to be found. they definitely weren't with the garbage cans they were selling. i finally asked jk this morning if he could get us some because i couldn't find them. he point to a family mart [think 7-11] and said we could get them there. with a sample bag, cuz god knows i won't be able to explain what i want, we set out to find the bags. we looked in a different family mart then the one jk pointed too. this one was closer to our house and we had just gotten the mochas [see above]. so i'm in there looking around and nothing. finally i went to the cashier and pulled out the sample bag i had and asked if he sells them. of course i had to tell him i needed something smaller than 100liters. guess where he pulls them out from. behind the counter. in korean that sell trash bags individually. lets not put them in boxes and sell a bunch. lets have them behind the register where a foreigner would never think to look or ask. i can only assume that my precious carrefour has them too. tucked secretly away behind the register. what a relief that mystery is solved. now we don't have to worry about the wrath of the cleaning lady.

speaking of mysteries and mystery solvers. i was reading the comic news that came with the comic books my sister sent me and it appears that they are releasing new comics based on the hardy boys and nancy drew. how excited am i. very. they are going to drawn ala manga style and the stories are going to be more modern. which is a good thing becasue those books are a little too goody goody sometimes. there are going to be available in feburary as a 96 page book. i'm counting down the days nows. its the little things like this that make me happy.

i think i'm done for the night. time to do some reading. until next time…

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