Thursday, October 14, 2004

scooters scooters everywhere

for some strange reason i find myself with a burst of energy every night around midnight. causing me to stay up til 2am either watching very bad american shows or messing with my computer. last night i was messing with my computer trying to upload photos. after writing over 60 captions for my photos which after 40 they start to become less and less original. you'll notice that some are title "temple.01, temple.02, etc.". anyway before loading them to snapfish my machine decided to lock up. so i restarted and everything was fine. thank god. pictures were loaded and linked to my blog. all was good. well that is until i openned my mail program and it said i had over 300 new messages. somehow during my shutdown and restart something screwy happened with the server and all these old messages came through again. needless to say i spent the next 20 minutes going through the messages making sure i didn't delete any i wanted to keep. don't you just love computers sometimes. i know i do.

at school today the ladies [tabitha and ferret*]. *names have been changed to protect the innocent which in this case is me. anyway the ladies showed up looking like walking zombies. ferret was wearing the same clothes as yesterday. did she do a walk of shame? curious. apparently the two of them tied one on last night and this morning were still drunk. not even the hangover soup could cure what ailed them. they basically set the mood for the entire school today: bored and tired. i know that was how i felt. especially since after my 11 am class i didn't have one until 5:40. nap anyone. i made my kindergarteners do nothing but color. that was bascially all i had in me. after that it turned into the "longest day ever!" i've never been more excited to see 7:05 roll around.

during my long period of doing nothing but trying to look busy i realized two things. one: scooters are probably the number one causes of accidents here. its not the cars you have to worry about running stop signs and traffic lights which they do on a regular basis but the scooters. especially the damn pizza hut scooters. they drive both on the streets and the sidewalks. i even saw one ride down the wrong side of the street. its crazy. walking out of my building i'm constanstly checking to see if a scooter is coming. i even had one ride up behind me on the walking bridge one day. there's barely room for two people to walk side by side and here comes this scooter. i literally had to throw myself against the edgo so it could pass. not once did the scooter driver consider slowing down. that would be a big scooter no-no. crossing the streets is the same thing. its not the cars its the scooters. they're taking over and they are a menace. they must be stopped and i feel it will be my mission to do so. not really but it would be kind of funny. maybe i'll just flatten all their tires. that will show them.

the second thing i realized while staring at my computer today is that i want to learn to draw. i want to be able to illustrate manga type comics. this is my new dream. however, i first need to come to terms with my haunted past about drawing. looking back at all the art classes i took i realized that something deep down inside me was stopping me from achieving potentional. something scared me about art class. it was almost like i was afraid to learn. afraid to try. i believe this stems from a tramatic experience in art class when i was younger. we were living in new jersey at the time and my sister and i were taking art classes. i can remember being very excited about this. drawing seemed so fun. i wanted to learn. i enjoyed it. it gave me pleasure and then it happened. we had just finished doing some sketch drawing when snack time arrived. it was chocolate cookies and kool aide. what more could a fat boy want. seeing that separately the sugar content wasn't enough for me i decided to dunk my cookies in my kool aid. now for those of you who are thinking gross. its not. especially when its cherry kool aid. so there i am cramming my cookie in my dixie cup of cherry kool aid. and then like jack and jill it all came tumbling down. my dixie cup couldn't handle the pressure and decided to give causing a flowing red river to cover my sketch book. the teacher was not at all happy. i remember her standing over me yelling. she grabbed my cherry soaked sketch pad shaking out the excess liquid. it wouldn't have been so bad if mine was the only victim but that wasn't the case. i took someone else with me for the wild ride. right then and there admist all the yelling and clean up i realized that i didn't want to return to art class and i didn't. so here i am now twenty something years later with the urge to pick up a pencil. this idea i have for a comic being the catalyst. the writing is no problem but the drawing well i'm sure no one wants to look at stick figures. thats about my ability right now. which means its time to put away these ill feelings toward my art class experience. time to get beyond the discouragement and bad experiencesy. time to move on from this deep rooted scared feeling and pick up where i left off sans kool aid stain. so there you have. i now have a goal for myself while in korea. one that i actually feel quite good and excited about. who knows maybe it'll bring a whole new direction to my life.

well, i think i rambled on quite a bit for an uneventful thursday. my delicious lipton rice mix is done. it smell so good. and i'm hungry. oh, i also took some photos of our decorated classrooms today. i'll try to post them tonight. until next time. wish me luck…

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