Thursday, October 07, 2004

so very sleepy

outside it was foggy all day. sort of how i felt. having stayed out way too late drinking last night, i thought today was never going to end. my energy level was at -10. all i wanted to do was sleep. i made it through kindergarten with no problem. those two little girls always keep me going. however, after lunch i was worthless. i hung out in the playroom and tried to nap in the rubber balls. didn't really work since kelly and sara were in there so i just played with them. my two classes in the afternoon went slow. i could barely stay focused as i listened to the girls reading. i was never so happy to see 7:05 pm. which brings me to now. i really don't have anything witty or wonderful to add. my mind is on one thing and one thing only. that hard as rock bed of mine upstairs. so i'm basically going to leave it at that. until next time…

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thank god you said bed!