Saturday, October 16, 2004

handsome pretty boy

let me first start off my apologizing for that badly written blog. its as if i had "gone korean" with my bad english. note to self. no blogging after drinking. i didn't think i drank that much. it must have been the lack of food in me. i never had dinner last night. one thing i forgot to mention is that last night while talking to ryan we got on the subject of the korean hairbands. we told be that the girls in his class refer to them as "handsome pretty boy". at least i think thats what he said. its all a bit foggy. isn't it a great name.

this morning i finally forced myself out of bed by 11am giving me 45 minutes to get ready to see master shin. i spent an hour watching "love's pinwheel" some bad korean soap opera that has english subtitles. i think i'm hook. there's so much drama. i love bad tv. when i arrived at the tkw studio for my first experience with acupuncture master shin was reading. reading about the pressure points on the knee. not a good sign. i asked him if he really knew what he was doing. he said he was just brushing up. now i know what it feels like to be a guinea pig. at least the needles were new. i sat in a chair with a cup of tea while master shin preped my knee. he was talking about the philospher of acupuncture and tae kwon do. i followed him for a bit then he started to lose him. he was also talking about his own philosphy about tkw. it was very interesting to listen to his story. he told me to make sure that i relax my mind and body. thanks to kate w. and her mediation techniques that she shared with me i was able to focus and do just that. he started out massaging my knee and the pressure points. and was telling me how massages are good but that acupuncture is better becasue the needle is able to go deeper. he hit one point on the front of my knee that really hurt. after doing that for awhile he started prepping the needles. have i told you how i hate needles. well i do. however, since i found myself well grounded and focused i didn't seem to care as much. i had my eyes closed for the first needle insertion which went in on the lower right side just below my knee. i could barely feel it go in. even when he pressed it in deeper it was a very calming sensation. after this one i opened my eyes and watched him do the others. once he was done i had 4 needles around my knee, one on the top of my leg, and one on my hand between my thumb and index finger. apparently theres a point there thats inline with the knee. i sat there needles and all for about 15 minutes. it was really cool. i think i'm hook on acupuncture now.

afterwards master shin asked where horace was. when i told him he was at home he was surprised. for some strange reason he thought we went everywhere together. at this point i had to explain to him that we do have our separtate lives and that i am capable of going out without him. from there he asked what i was doing for lunch. i told him i was going to carrefour to pick up some stuff and he asked if he could come. what could i say but sure. which meant that i had to have lunch with master shin. what an experience that was. we went to the food court. good thing he was there because everything is in korean. we had lunch and talked. it was cool. i had to listen to how lucky i was for being an american. afterwards he asked what i was doing. i said i had class. good thing because he was going to the movies and i think if i didn't have class i would have had to go with him.

i returned to the apartment building and went to horaces. i was actually feeling tired so i decided to skip class today. instead i took a much need nap. after class horace and vickie came by and we went to dinner. we all got some kind of chicken and cheese curry dish. it was really good. we then went to horaces apartment to install software on vickies computer. while the software was installing we played cards and drank. i drank soju. so good. its really cool hanging out with vickie. she's a lot of fun. tomorrow i think i'm going to do nothing. at some point though i will need to go to the carrefour for food. i hate grocery shopping. well i'm off to bed now. goodnight everyone. until tomorrow…

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