Thursday, October 28, 2004

seoul style

shayla worked in a factory
she wasn't history
she's just a number.

one day
she gets her final pay
and she goes far away…

this is my new anthem.

this morning thanks to ho-bag, i discovered my new obsession. her name is liza and she has a web site called seoul style: for hip tips on life in seoul. who is she you ask? well this is how she answers that question: "i'm a sociable expatriate wife living in seoul, korea… …with the popularity of reality tv and on-line journal writing (in tech-speack that's called blogging) i figured that people these days like to be voyeurs. the audience wants real live action and not some contrived work of fiction. so, if you want to follow me on some adventures, then strap on your seatbelts and come along for the ride!"

my hair is already blowing in the wind cuz i got the top down and the petal to the metal. i heart her. we will become friends. thats my mission. here are some other key words she uses to describe herself:

"ringleader, instigator, jetsetter, go getter, flygirl, barfly, mc, hot juma, actress, fighter, writer, a touch of class, a dash of crass, nice piece of !, deeply superficial, all up in your business can i get a witness"

and this is just a partial list. if you all want to check her out heres the address the articles are pretty badly written but at least she's trying. and who knows perhaps one of these days my picture will be on the fun page. one can only dream. i'm going to shoot her an email to get the low down on the scene. after all she would know. i'll let you know how it goes.

back to my reality. i had my acupuncture fix today. although they did something different this time after the routine session. the doctor said he was going to perform "yung therapy" whatever that is. of course all i did was nod. he turned me on my side. then the nurse put some jelly-like substance on a pad and placed it on my ankle and another was placed on my chest. little input/output type devices were attached to both pads. the machine was turned on and i could feel a slight sensation. it was like that burning feeling one gets when you have an ice bag on you for a long time. i had to stay like that for 20 minutes. not the most enjoyable thing i've experienced. after it was all said and done the pads were removed. my ankle stung so bad. he told me it would be numb for 5 to 6 hours. i have to go back on saturday.

my return to the office was short-lived because i had to go shopping for halloween stuff with jk and christine. does it ever end. we had to get stuff at the supermarket. we're doing the human body parts game. these kids are going to be screaming. they don't like to dance let alone stick their hand in a box to feel a "human heart". it should be fun. the only good thing about shopping with these two is that i was able to sample the food. i haven't yet because half the time i don't know what it is. after the shopping was done jk treated us to lunch. i had this ground beef stew that was so freakin good. i think its my favorite so far. it was from a food court too. i need to learn to say it in korean so i go back for more. yummy.

its now day 4 of drinking mochas. i've turned into a monster. i cannot get into this mocha trap. although if i buy 6 more i get a free one. the guy who works there already knows what we order. and sometimes we call the koreans boring eating the same soups day after day. i made witch crafts with my students today. figured its the day before the halloween party why not relax and enjoy ourselves. plus i only had two students today: ashley and sally. sally seemed to enjoy it. if she wasn't talking about how crazy the shoes were that she cut out for the witch she was singing to herself. so cute. jk might be taking the staff out tomorrow night. that should be fun. i want to go bowling but sammy wants to go to a night club. i'm not sure i'm ready to go clubbing with work people.

i should go get my disco sleep just in case. until next time…

1 comment:

Pevil said...

mocha madness! Maybe you could get work there part time. Go clubbing--you can drink and dance them under the table!