Thursday, October 14, 2004

one step closer to yellow belt

happy friday everyone. tonight i went back to tae kwon do class. i made through about half of the class. then my knee starting to bother me. master shin was to give me acupunture so i have to meet him tomorrow at noon. this should definitely be interesting. i need my first headstand tonight. how excited was i. everything was fine until we started doing the kicks then my knee was acting up. i learned the rest of the moves i need to know before moving on to being a yellow belt. i'm going to try to practice this weekend. during class i was asked once again about having a girlfriend. koreans sure do know how to beat a dead horse. master shin kept trying to get horace and i to yell every time we kick or punch. i still don't feel comfortable yelling out but i tried. tb and ryan broke boards tonight and advanced to purple belt. that something to look forward too. i can't wait til i have to try to break a board. how exciting is that.

after class we went for drinks to celebrate. when they brought out the pitchers it was steaming from the dry ice. it was so cool to look at. they also have these colored lights in the center of the pitchers that blinks like christmas lights. what a great idea. of course master shin tried to put me in the hot seat again asking me to tell him a romantic story. i finally told him he needs to subscribe to penthouse form. that shut him up.

at school today horace, sammy, and i went to our favorite bbq place. she brought us out some free soup. i love her. we finally found out that her name is insuk hon. next time i go i will call her by her name. i can't believe how nice she is. i can't even fathom going ot another bbq in ansan. i'd feel guilty if i did. as for classes they were pretty much the same as always. i did have to sit one of my students in the corner today since he wasn't listening. i don't think he like that too much. and in my orange b class i had to lay the law down about homework. it seems like half of them didn't do it agian and i told them that this was the last time i was going to give them a break. we'll see how that goes.

that about it for me. i feel slightly buzzed from the beer and can't really write so i'm going to end it here. i'll let you all know how acupunture goes tomorrow. i still can't believe i have to go there alone. oh well. all right. goodnight and i'll wrtie more tomorrow. take it easy.

1 comment:

Pevil said...

hiiiya! Kick Master Jeethan kick! Hope the acupuncture goes well and get Master Shin a blowup girlfriend or boyfriend depending upon his preference. May shut his trap.