Thursday, September 16, 2004

pimping out the americans

i'm baaack! and feeling like a brand new person. my giant tapeworm went into hybernation. thanks god. i'm wondering now if it was the fried chicken. which is actually a third of the size of chickens in the us. at least i think it was chicken. who really knows. i think i'll avoid it in the future to be safe.

it was raining again went i woke up at 7am. i decided to stay in bed til 9:15 giving me a whole 15 minutes to get ready for school. nothing like waiting til the last minute. this morning sammy took horace and i to open up a bank account. now that was an experience. the bottome line was that we couldn't open one without our passports and we won't get our passports back til next week since the alien people have them. oh well. horace did transwire money to his account in the us, so all wasn't lost. can't wait until i have to that. it's not an easy task especially since they hardly speak english and sammy won't always be with us. we are going to try openning accounts next week. wish us luck.

when we got back to school i had my kindergarten class. they so did want to do anything to do except run around speaking korean to me. there's nothing like having two little ones screaming korean, jumping all over you, and poking you in the morning. can't wait until we get more little ones. after my class with sally we had to go to emart, another giant walmart type place, and pimp ourselves out. yes it was the two hours of "hey come to our school we have americas". talk about a flashback to girlfriends events. instead of pushing subscriptions on lesbians we were passing out notebooks to korean kids. half of them were so surprised to have us talking to them. it was actually cute. i had one girl who became my shadow. she was trying to talk to me in korean and i'm like "um, i have no idea what you are saying." finally jk came by and she wanted to know how old i was. i told her 20. we actually got one new student today from passing stuff out. jk was very excited about that. he said it was because of my blue eyes. yes, i've offically turned into the blue-eyed devil i offered joked about.

horace and i have basically taken over the teachers lounge. we were giving the new counsler grief today because she stole our filing cabinet. we now call her ferret, since they are known for stealing and that way she won't know we are talking about her. we are so bad. jk bought a new table for the teachers lounge so we rearrange the area. we're like male cats spraying our territory. i don't think they had any idea what they were in store for by hiring us.

tonight i made pork cutlets and rice. well i didn't make the rice actually. they sell precooked rice in packages here. love that. that's how lazy i am. i'm now buying pre-cooked packaged rice. it was delicious. for my down time i watched an episode of charlies angels. in this episode kelly went undercover as a radio reporter. and kris krimped her hair. meanwhile sabrina got injected with a truth serum. talk about your high drama. can't wait to watch the next one. until tomorrorw. goodnight all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you devil. you steal children with you eyes from mall. soon, all korea children go to mall looking to see blue eye everywhere