Sunday, September 12, 2004

jem is my name

another rainy day here in ansan. was up early so i decided to give mom and my sister a call. there was no one out. it felt like being in a deserted city. it felt kind of weird. after several tries with my favorite yellow phone here, i struck out. no one was home. was going to go to dunkin doughnuts but they weren't open yet. instead i ate cold pasta for breakfast/lunch. yummy. the day was spent pretty much the same as yesterday. work on blog, burn some music, upload photos, write emails. i also managed to squeeze in a nap and three episodes of jem. you know she's truly outrageous, truly. that cartoon is so bad its good. i'm glad i brought it with me.

after several hours of sitting korean style [indian style] i had to stand up. i felt like i was going stir crazy. all couped up in a smurf style apartment with no furniture can be draining. i went down to horace's and of course he's been doing about the same. i didn't even shower. we needed some things so we went to, yes can you guess, carrefour. i feel like i freakin live there. i tried to stock up on groceries but i only had 30,000 won so i had to put some stuff back. i did get some fried chicken. it was tastey. its so hard to think about preparing food when one doesn't have a microwave, or a frying pan, and can't read the directions on the packages. it definitely makes things interesting. i forgot to mention, there's a whole lot of yelling happening in the grocery store. there are all these little stands: kimchee, baked good, seaweed, meats, etc, and they all have people yellin into microphones to get you to buy the stuff. it can be quite taxing at times. the fried chicken guy actually spoke some english which was nice.

we met another foreigner in the store. he's from canada and has been here for 7 months so far. its funny watching all the foreigners basically buying the same crap. milk, ceral, bread, kimchee. all the things we know. i got to see the bunny today. he's still there. every time i go in that store i'm tempted to buy him. he's so little and cute. i tried to talk my school into getting a bunny the other day. they didn't go for it. tonight i think i'll watch a movie maybe more jem episodes and call it a night. this was a rather dull weekend. i hope its not raining next weekend. i finally bought an umbrella today. yeah. now i can stay dry.

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