Saturday, September 18, 2004


well. lets start off by saying i didn't get all the sleep i really wanted to this morning. it seems that sleeping in is not going to happen here. after last nights craziness i was moving rather slow this morning. horace stopped by around 10:30am and i still hadn't showered. we decided to make our trek to emart in an hour. he left and i tried to revive myself. of course as soon as i was out of the shower it started to pour outside. another rainy saturday. oh joy.

i finally made it down to horace's by 11:30. with umbrellas in hand we decided to go to emart anyway. we're not going to let a little rain stop us. along the way we stopped into a parisian bakery. i was starving. everything looked so good. i choose a giant piece of sugar bread. yes thats exactly what it was. pure sugar and bread. i was in heaven. washed that baby down with a coke and i was ready to go. it was about a 20-30 minute walk to emart. pretty uneventful. it was fairly dead outside. by the time we hit emart all the schools had let out and there were kids everywhere. they would all say hi and laugh and gigle. it was very comical.

i forgot to mention the other day when we were passing out notebooks. there was this one boy who was probably 9 or something. he comes strolling down the street carrying his man purse on his shoulder so i hand him a notebook. as he passed by i noticed he use sporting a mullet so i yelled nice mullet. with that he turned and smiled real big. it was so funny. now back to today…

so basically emart is a nicer/fancier/bigger carrefour. there's actually no yelling in the grocery store part. too bad its too far to shop at. we walked around for bit to wasted time. on the food court level it was so funny to see the shopping buggies all parked like cars while people ate. yes there's a buggy parking lot. what will they think of next.

on our way home we find some shops that reminded me of the mission. now i know where to go for really cheap stuff. we stopped off for food at this place horace likes. he was craving the chicken and cheese. unfortunately they were out of the chicken and cheese. instead the guy pointed to the menu and said tenderloin. we were like sure, why not more pork tenderloin. its pork all the time here. so when they brought the food it wasn't pork afterall but breaded fish and shrimp. the shrimp which were fairly large still had their heads and eyes. nothing like a shrimp staring at you when you're trying to eat it. i must say once i got past the head part and took it off the shrimp the whole meal was very good. i don't think i've had on bad meal here yet.

the rest of the day was spent playing on the computer and doing laundry. my favorite. i now call it the wrinkle machine. thats my saturday in a nutshell. until next time…

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