Saturday, September 11, 2004

come to jesus

it rained all day today. in the morning i had a long im session with misty. that was nice. i miss her. im is my new favorite thing. god i love technology. if it weren't for emails, internet, and im i'd be going crazy. i also got to i'm my friend derek for a bit and amy too. its not the same as talking but it'll do for now. the rain actually made me a bit homesick today. it's funny i've only been here a week but it feels like forever. i was lazy today. i did manage to post some pictures and video but that was about it. i also snuck in a nap. although i didn't have any sheets because that were in the "wrinkle your stuff and take 8 hours to dry" machine. its my darth varder. i can actually hear it mock me. how sad is that.

i did eat some eggs and lettuce today. i know you all are thinking "how delicious". it was like eating an egg salad sandwich without the bread. for breakfast i had the corn flakes. not sure if i mentioned this before but the milk taste like cream. its so rich. pour in on sugar cereal and you are going for days. horace stopped by around 6 pm and we went to carrefour to get some drinks for tonight. he invited ths girl vicky from london, who he met when he was getting his visa in japan, to come over and play cards. he picked up some soju and snacks. for dinner i made pasta. it actually didn't taste as good as when i made it back home. it could be because i have no spices except salt and pepper. at eight we left for the station to meet vicky. it was pouring and of course i didn't have an umbrella. its a good thing i brought that rain jacket. thanks misty for convincing me to take it. needles to say we got wet. at point horace decided to sing to "singing in the rain" and started dancing. as if we need any more attention brought to us.

after meeting vicky we went to hoarce's apartment. it was so great to talk to yet another foreigner. she's a really nice girl. we sat around talking, playing cards [with the deck adawg gave me, dirty], eating shrimp snacks and drinking soju. not sure if my tolerance is down or not but between hoarce and i we had two small bottles and i was feeling a good, if you know what i mean. we also watched two episodes of "strangers with candy". around 11:30pm we walked vicky to the street to pick up a cab to take back to the station. we were having quite the time trying to tell the driver where to go when a young boy walked up and helped us nice.

i forgot to mention but two different people yesteday tried to convert us to jesus christ. the woman only handed a pamphlet. the guy was all in our face.

anyway, thats my very uneventful saturday. maybe something exciting will happen on sunday.

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