Monday, November 28, 2005


it's amazing how sometimes the simplest things can make one happy or taste so good. it just so happens that this thing i'm talking about is…TOAST! yes, toast. christine decided to move back home with her folks so she gave me her toaster. i've been thinking about buying one for months now but haven't. so on saturday she brought over the toaster. what's the first thing i did? made toast. i can't believe how freakin' good toast with butter and jam was. this morning i had toast. just a few minutes ago i ate toast. i'm so lovin' toast right now. i never really appreciated it back home. toast was always taken for granted. passed over for a bagel or english muffin. no more i tell you. for me, from now on its all about the toast. now if only i had some bacon to put on the toast i'd be in heaven.

my sahbanim worked our butts off today. it was nonstop running and kicking. today kim jung-ho and his brother were late. when they walked in the sahbanim was saying something to them. jung-ho's brother wasn't even wearing his uniform. he had on a turtleneck sweater and cords. meanwhile jung-ho's pants were complete floods. the sahbanim pointed this out my pointing to his pants and saying "michael jackson" then started to moonwalk. it was pretty funny. jung-ho has become my new buddy. he's always saying "hi" or "good job" to me. i even ran into him and his mom at the store and he came running over to say hello. what a polite boy.

today around 3:30pm the sky got completely dark. then moments later it went to a sepia hue. we thought perhaps there had been an eclipse. still not sure what caused it. it was raining but i've never seen clouds turn the sky completely dark like it was the middle of the night. very strange. for a minute there i thought it was going to start snowing. fortunately it didn't. plus its not that cold yet. i found out today that i have to give a demonstration to the parents of one of my classes. apparently the parents are concerned about this class moving up to green level and want to see what i'm going to be teaching. good times.

i just discovered yet another new favorite drink. its called ambasa. it's coke's version of milkis, my other favorite drink. they're like milk soda drinks. to me they taste like liquid baby aspirin. so delicious. so anyway, i couldn't find milkis at the store so i decided to try ambasa. and sure enough its basically the same thing. the ambasa label is blue and white with clouds. like a little taste of heaven. if i'm not mistaken the tagline on milkis is "a new soda beverage sensation" or something like that. there are people floating with umbrellas on the label.

today's tips:
on etiquette
learning a new craft will make you chatter on incessantly about the art form. be careful not to bore your less artsy friends.
— the clue of the leaning chimney, nancy drew

useful catch phrases
"we sure pulled a boner."
— hunting for gold, the hardy boys

be well…

1 comment:

Pevil said...

I have given up the bagel for an english muffin. One every morning and rather than inhale it on the way to work, B and I have breakfast together. Barfy isn't it? But I love it!