Sunday, November 06, 2005

a shoppin' day

i actually had a very productive day shopping for the holidays. i know what you're thinking, "why so early" but if i don't start now i'll wait til the last minute then i'll be running around like a maniac. plus factoring in the mailing i figured its best to get going on it. and i must say i got alot done. yeah!!!! i went to both insadong and meyoungdong. i forgot how crazy meyoungdong is. the last time i was there was with misty, kate, and derek. while in insadong i went into the newly expanded toy museum. that place rocks. this time i actually acted like a korean and took pictures. this was this random underwear hanging art in one section of insadong. not really sure what that was all about. in meyoungdong i was sadden to find that the store where i purchased my blythe doll was no longer there. in fact all the cool stores on that floor were gone. although the really good 1000 won store is still there but on a different floor. i did spot some very expensive goth dolls. this is the one that i so want to buy.

glam rock

check out the eyes!

time to start saving my won. [smile]. it was another great fall day. it was chilly but not too cold. i love seeing all the different color leaves in the trees and on the ground. it reminds me of living in boston. fall was always a great time of year there. while walking around meyoungdong i saw two very interesting things:
1. tiny puppies in wooden boxes for sale. it looked like some kind of science fair. each box had one puppy in it and there was plastic on top or what looked like plastic and a light bulb. hmmm
2. then a few feet away i noticed a lady sitting on the ground with a basket of tiny puppies wearing cheap gold chains. she was hawking the pups. i tried to take a picture but she yelled at me. not once but twice. theres always something to see out on these streets. i did find alot cool new shops in meyoungdong. i also found this really cool shirt. however, when i went to try it on it was like ultra skin tight and that was the large. talking about feeling like a fatty.

on friday night i found out that one of my sabomnims, the one who's been teaching me, is leaving. he's going on a taekwondo tour throughout europe. which is good for him but sucks for me. i really liked him. oh well. that night i stopped off at the mandu [korean dumplings] shop near my apartment and order some wangmandu, which are "king dumplings" and so freakin good. the woman started talking to me in korean. we had a converstion for like 3 minutes but i don't think either one knew what the other was saying. the next thing i knew she was giving me some kimchi mandu for free. love her. before school on friday i got my haircut by this guy who had "cher" hair. while he was cutting it the two assistants stood to the side and watched. there's nothing like having two people stare at you while your getting your haircut. talk about feeling nervous. the cut turned out pretty good especially since no one spoke any english there. at one point i did hear one the of the assistants say "handsome". i can only assume she was talking about me. how sweet is that.

check out the photos from the toy museum and other random things from the day here!

be well…


Unknown said...

I thought you were living in Korea, but those pics look more like Heaven to me!

dac said...

everyone loves Ethan!!

Pevil said...

Handsome is right!

Kate said...

Peek a boo is my favorite.