Friday, November 11, 2005


pepero madness

today was pepero day, the korean valentine's day where folks give out pepero, bisquit sticks dipped in chocolate. this year since i have a much bigger class load i was inundated with pepero after pepero. chocolate ones, strawberry ones, big ones, little ones, boxes, and even an entire container filled with pepero. one student gave me a bread stick dipped in chocolate. how much pepero can one boy eat? so far 12 or maybe 13. i lost count. oink. oink. before being dismissed from taekwondo tonight my kwanjangnim and sahbumnim handed out pepero. oh, no! not more. my kwanjangnim handed me two pastry sticks with chocolate on them and a pepero and said, "i love you." then he giggled. i just finished eating one of the pastry sticks and all i have to say is… yummy, sugar goodness. speaking of tkd it seems we can purchase winter uniforms. my kwanjangnim gave me a form the other day. i tried to ask him tonight if i "have" to buy the winter uniform but i don't think he quite understood what i was asking. all i got as a response was "you going to order." so i'm seriously contemplating the purchase. basically it's a red and black sweat suit. i'm turning so korean. it looks super warm which would be a plus as opposed to our normal uniform. i remember freezing last year. so who knows. i'll sleep on it.

fridays are speech days in class. each monday i give my students something to memorize and on fridays they have to stand in front of class and recite it. last week was the days of weeks. simple and easy. this week i decided to spice things up a bit and gave them the smurf theme song to memorize:

la, la, la, la, la, la sing a happy song
la, la, la, la, la, la smurf the whole day long

smurf along with me

simple as can be

la, la, la, la, la, la now you know the tune

la, la, la, la, la, la you'll be smurfing soon.

i did cut out a couple of sentences to make it easier. each student had to recite it on their own. they could either sing it or speak it. i tried to make them sing and dance but no luck. for two of my classes i took video of them singing the song as a group. i think this song will forever be embedded in my mind.

be well…


Misty L said...

I think this is the cutest thing I have ever seen in my life.

Kate said...

i agree with misty. ethan, those kids are so lucky to have you.

Unknown said...

It's somehow reassuring to see that no matter what culture you find yourself in, there's always at least one wiseacre who's going to hold up a finger or two behind someone's head on camera.

dac said...


Pevil said...

Did you teach them the smurf song? Beautiful!

hez said...

i have this vision of some of these kids growing up to be business people and interacting with english speakers and "you'll be smurfing too" comes out of their mouths. hahahaha!