Sunday, November 27, 2005

an old friend in a new place

last night i got to see mr. william crump who was in town with his wife agatha. her family was having some sort of reunion which brought them to korea. it was great to see them even though it was only for a short time. the last time i saw them was at their wedding and i really didn't get to spend too much time with them. i've known william since high school days although we didn't become really good friends until after my senior year. we had a sort of love/hate relationship in the beginning. looking back on it now makes us laugh. we even got to travel around europe together which was amazing. although we haven't lived in the same area for more than 10 years we remained closed. thats when you know you have a true friendship. so being able to see him here and catch up was fantastic. i met up with them in hongdae. we had some coffee, cake, and good chat. we then walked around a bit and stopped in a pc room. they needed to check their emails. it was the first time i've been in one so i was excited. the walls were painted black, there were indiviual computer stations, and big leather office chairs. everyone in there was playing computer games. computer games are BIG here, especially cart rider which looked similar to mario kart. when i was living in maryland i'd go to my aunt and uncle's house and play it all the time. i was always toad. i even bought my own controller so i could plug in any time. hee hee. . they were mostly korean guys too. i saw two girls. and being korea everyone was either smoking or there was a pack right next to them waiting to be smoked. they even sold snacks and refreshments in there. how fun is that. once they were done with their email check, bill was having a slight problem since the messages kept popping up in korean, we headed to maryjane's and had a drink. before we knew it the witching hour had approached and it was time to go. i almost didn't make the last train because i got held up at sindorim, my first of two transfers. even though track 4 said trains were heading in the direction i need to go none came. after seeing two go by on track 2 i decided it was best to go there myself. of course once i did the next 6 trains weren't the right ones. finally at 11:50pm one came. i seriously think i have waited at least a half hour. i was starting to get worried. i still had to go eight stops and transfer again. and not really knowing when the last train to oido was i thought for sure i'd be stuck. luckly when i got to my next transfer point there was a train waiting. when i got out of the station it was raining and cold. but it was alot better to get wet then be stuck.

on my ride home i felt quite nostalgic especially after seeing william. so it seemed only fitting to play some smiths on my ipod. that made me think of high school, ea, visage, hs friends, etc. its cool to be able to listen to music or a certain song and have it evoke such great memories. having been wired about missing my train i was unable to sleep. i stayed up until 4 am watching episodes of oth. sometimes i love me.

today's tips:
on accoutrements
a fagot is a bundle of tightly woven twigs, like a basket. just a good thing to know.
— the secret of the forgotten city, nancy drew

on lessons learned
a large mask will make a person's body seem smaller. a tiny face mask can make him look bigger.
— the missing chums, the hardy boys

be well…


Pevil said...

It's truly amazing when you see folks whom take you back so far and pick up right where you left off. LOVE THAT! Billy sounds like a keeper.

Unknown said...

Orlando memories... like sitting in your mom's car in the E.A. parking lot, me sandwiched into the armrest section of the front seat and getting smacked HARD by Toby from the backseat because I said his mohawk looked just like my schnauzer's mohawk. It really did though.

Umm... on second thought, I hope it was a different memory.

Jay is coming to stay with me for New Years. I wish you could be here for that!