Saturday, January 08, 2005


have you ever had one of those days where you wished you stayed in bed. thats how i feel. not only did i realize that my camera charger was in the bag that i left on the bus but after buying a new plug adaptor and plugging my speakers into it the whole thing popped and started smoking. it blew out the circuit in my apartment. thankfully i was able to reset it. now i'm not sure if only the power supply is damaged or if it effected the subwoofer too. sometimes being in a foreign country is HARD. and to top it off today makes three days in a row that some korean man is making an announcement through that speaker in my ceiling. i really hope the building isn't being evacuated. its so strange not knowing what is being said. oh well. today has been a completely lazy day, well besides blowing things up and all. i went out with some people from tae kwon do last night to a blues bar in old ansan which is about a 20 min. walk from my house. it was pretty cool. we met the bar manager who's name is ozzy. really nice guy. he has a pretty decent vinyl collection from what i could see. i didn't actually get to see what all he had just a few selections that he brought to the table to show "r". there was a lot of ac/dc and metalica being played which is a nice change from all the korean pop. although at one point during all the ac/dc songs i felt i was in daytona beach for spring break. we were out til 4:30am. and let me tell you i'm feeling it today. tomorrow i'm going to attempt to find a camera charger. wish me luck.

i uploaded some for photos. check em out when you get a chance.



Prattlepants said...

maybe the speaker announcement is "Do NOT plug anything into the electrical outlet as you will blow up the building and all your electronic devices." damn.

Pevil said...

Mr. Pez has gone everywhere! Bummer about the man on the speakers and smoking plug.