Thursday, January 27, 2005


i'm working on my final installment for my christmas vacation. seeing that i'm going snowboarding this weekend it looks like i won't have the final chapter posted until next week. well that is unless i get completely motivated on friday. its funny how i've had many opportunities to go snowboarding in the past while living in sf but never did. it took me moving to a different country to even think about trying it. although honestly who knows if i'll even snowboard. knowing me i'll be looking for an inner tube or trash lid to slide down on. or better yet i'll be planted at the bar drinking. i kept waivering back and forth about whether i'd go. the trip is with my taekwondo class and the thought of spending any attention time outside of class with the master is scary. however, the thought to see yet another part of this country that i might not see otherwise is foolish to pass up. so yes i'm going. i'm a little nervous to try either snowboarding or skiing. i don't want to end up on crutches. nor to i want to land smack down on my tailbone, although seeing i did that last night at class i have nothing to worry about. yes after weeks of feeling good about myself in class lastnight i took a wicked fall trying to kick. good thing for american advil and ibuprofine. it doesn't hurt as bad as i thought it would. i did sit on a pillow in class today. i'm getting old. next i'll be wearing support comfort shoes.

there are some changes coming my way next month. mainly our school schedules. the days of coming in at 10am and leaving at 7:05pm are ending as of tomorrow. starting jan 31 our first classes don't start until 2pm and we'll be finishing up at 7:55pm. that means we don't have to be at school until 1 pm. this excites me. now i'll have some time in the mornings to do all my errands that i usually have to do on the weekends. and the weekends will finally start to feel like a weekend. it'll also be easier for me to call folks since it'll be late afternoon/early evening for you all. YEAH!! of course it also means i'll be sleeping in til who knows when. which is great too especially since on the nights i have tkd i usually don't go to bed until 2am. since january has been intensives for the students i decided to show them a movie on friday. i'm going to bring in some superhero dvds to share with them. i thought that would be fun way to end a hectic month of study, study, study. i'm not sure who's more excited me or them. it is great though to see how some of them have progressed. i have one student "k" who was so quiet in the beginning and now he's the translator for all the other students. its a great feeling seeing this happen. i'm so proud. the only down fall with this new schedule is that we had to switch alot of classes around which means i'm losing 2 students: sally and lisa. this kind of makes me sad because sally was my first student here. i've also spent this month preparing lisa to join sally's class and now i won't be a part of it. thats life i guess and i'm sure once my new classes start i won't even have time to think much about it. also in the switch i'm getting a the problem child to teach. he's the one who we have coming to the school when no other kids are here because parents have been complaining about him hitting others. the sad thing is, is that he's really a good kid. he just has some problems. hopefully i'll be able to help him and get him to study more than he is now. i look at it as a challenge. thats really been about it for me. i'll definitely let you all know how the trip with the tkd group goes. it should be exciting. i'll take pictures too!


Pevil said...

You are going to do fine snowboarding E! Just remember to fall with your bum and not your hands or your wrists will pay. Maybe you should play the AC/DC song "problem child" for your new student?

Anonymous said... did David Bowie put it?


p.s. hope you're having fun on the mountain, heeeee