Thursday, January 13, 2005

choco cream doughnut

after looking at the sign for the past two weeks of the new "choco cream" donut at dunkin donuts i finally caved. basically its the cousin to the boston cream donut but with a chocolate center. it was yummy!! they also have this other kind of donut called a tart which is basically a glazed donut with chocolate and coconut on top and a jelly center. of course i had one of them too. i'm going to be so fat. not much has been happening here. its been freezing but no more snow. it might snow again this weekend. i hope so but if it does i want it to stick. last night i became a blue belt. YEAH!! i was actually surprised i passed because i only just learned the form. the other two green belters learned the whole form while i was on vacation. i only spent two days trying to learn it. i messed up the first time but nailed it on the second. now i'm half way up the color belt ladder. next stop brown. school has been hella busy. it seems like with each day that passes we get more and more students. thats good for the school but it makes our job even tougher. so far two of my classes are maxed out. the bright side of it all is that they decided not to have kindergarten. how excited am i. very!! today sally's mom came to the school and she brought sally's brother. i know i say this about every child but he's is the cutest. i love when he comes to visit. i would definitely take him and zander back to america with me if i could. i played with sally's brother for awhile. i think we had ever ball from the playroom out and rolling down the hallway. it was a trip. i totally worked that kid up. i feel bad for his mom now. she'll have to deal with all his extra energy. children can be so much fun. especially when they aren't yours. it funny but since coming back from vacation i'm actually enjoying teaching so much more. a lot of that has to do with i'm just now getting to know the students and i'm starting to see more of their personality. its great. i really do like these kids.


Pevil said...

You made it past the Christmas break! Teaching is always much more of a breeze after that! YAY for the blue belt! You rule the school Ethan!

Anonymous said...

mystery writer checks in from the east coast of the united states. am missing my chats with mr e. glad all is going okay in korea and am enjoying the blog. so... who is this writer? why has e not emailed in forever. it's kate! tallent that is. yep. i have left the job and have started the new biz in dc- logan's circle. am moving her by end of feb. will your write an email one of these days please. word. love ya.

Kate said...

omg. you said 'hella'.

Anonymous said...

hella?... who are you?
miss you tons xxx