Monday, December 06, 2004

dinosaurs + fossils

as i mentioned in an earlier blog, i'm once again in the dinosaur and fossil unit. yesterday after reading the same dinosaur story twice i started to think. if dinosaurs extisted before man and either: 1. the were slowly killed off by volcanoes constanstly erupting and destroying plant life 2. a meteorite crashed to the earth added iridium to the soil which helped to off the dinosaurs, or 3. a combination of both; wouldn't all life forms in the world have been completely destroyed too. and if so just how did man come to exist. are we to believe that a supreme being healed the earth and started life again. what if dinosaurs never really existed but are only great fable created by man. sure we have dinosaur bones in museums but couldn't they have been manufactured? i'm not saying that i really think dinosaurs didn't existed but questioning what if? wouldn't that be interesting. if these theories are true and the atmosphere of the earth was changed in such a way the it was killing off species then how could anyone have live here. perhaps i should do some more reading. i don't really remember much from early education and i'm not the smartest when it comes to history. i probably should have paid attention more in school. its been a long time since i've even thought about any of this or even really cared for that matter. now that i'm in a school environment reading all these things i'm starting to think more about everything. perhaps teaching wasn't such a bad thing. afterall it is getting me interested in history and other things i brushed off before. go figure.


Anonymous said...

E stands for existentialism


Kate said...

it's magic.

Anonymous said...

As our lovely President Bush says--it's not evolution, it's creationism silly rabbit! Dinosaurs are for kids!