Sunday, December 19, 2004

busted in carrefour

this morning while trying to get a few things from carrefour i got a phone call from master shin. what can only be thought as a moment of lack of judgement i answered the phone. mistake number one. apparently the master was sitting in mcdonalds and saw me come in. he asked me to come join him. i told him i was in the middle of getting some stuff and would stop by on my way out. i tried to prolong my shopping but inside i felt kind of guilty because i knew he'd probably wait there until i showed up. i got the few things i needed then headed to the pharmacy counter since that is where the contact solution is. one of my students parents work there and she gave me a 2005 day planner. that was so sweet. i love these random gifts. i met the master at mcdonalds and after several attempts of telling him i wasn't thirsty i finally caved and let him buy me a coffee. mmm. coffee from mcdonals. theres nothing better. i sat there as the master was telling me how i can improve my life here in korea. his main point being that i need to meet more people and not stay in ansan the whole time. i tried to explain to him that he really doesn't know that much about me and that i was meeting people no problem. then i started realizing it doesn't really matter what i say because he's still going to give me his opinion. i'm not sure why he feels that he has to help every foreigner he meets. part of me is starting to think that it bothers him that i don't give him many details about myself. mainly thats because i don't care to. everything he has to say is either about meeting korean women, money, money, or money. at one point he offered to teach me korean to which i replied politely no thanks. i told him that 3 nights a week of his insults were enough for me. then he had the nerve to tell me i needed to be more open minded. the man is crazy and needs a life. and just because i don't feel like becoming a part of their little rat pack crrew doesn't mean i'm not open minded. then he told me he was worried about my finances. when does it end i tell you. i already have parents i don't need any more thank you. i can't wait to see what monday's class is going to bring. all i know is 6 more days and then i'm beach bond. thank gawd.

1 comment:

Pevil said...