Tuesday, November 09, 2004

a parent comes to class

with every day that passes i begin to feel more and more like home here. today when i was leaving carrefour i ran into the coffee shop guy. it was cool exchanging hellos with him. it makes me feel like i actually know people here. couldn't tell you his name but at least he recognized me. maybe oneday i'll actually be able to have a conversation with him that goes beyond hello, mocha, and thank you. thats my new plan. the biggest excitment is that "13 going on 30" is now playing at our movie theater. how sad is that. but you know i'm going to see. it also looks like "the incredibles" are there too. yeah. its the little things in life that seem to make me happy. another piece of exciting news is that i figured out how to get an "other" amount out of the atm. before i've been playing it safe by selecting one of the provided options. i'm getting all crazy now. look out.

on tuesday, i have to teach one of sammy's classes because of a time conflict. so i have these students once a week and i have to teach them from the korean book. well today jem's dad [yes we named one of the students jem] wanted to sit in on the class. of course i couldn't say no. of all the classes to sit in on it had to be this one. anyway i'm trying to teach them about writing an effective beginning sentence and a good ending. not the easiest thing to do. for the effective beginning exercise they had to change "there was a young boy" to be something more interesting. i asked jem to read what she wrote and she started laughing. it seems that she was a little embarrassed. here's what she wrote "there was a handsome young boy. he lived in the united states. he was tall and sexy." when i repeated tall and sexy both her and olivia started giggling. it was quite funny. at this time jem's dad wasn't in the class. we finished the effective beginnings and thats when jem's dad came in. so now i'm trying to get them to write a better ending to the supplied example about a boy and a box. it was kind of difficult to explain it to them. even jem's dad remarked about how hard it was for him to understand and he spoke english fairly well. the lesson took longing then i expected but in the end and with a bit of help from jem's dad who did some translated it seemed to go fairly well. i tried to explain to him how the korean teacher usually teaches this part. i'm not sure if he understood or not.

after the lesson i decided to have them read for a bit. we did some reading and i'd stop every once in a while to explain words and to see if jem and olivia knew what they were doing. that all went well. after class jem's dad made a comment about how he liked the books we were reading and liked how i stopped to explain things and to ask the girls questions about what happened in the story. i'll be curious to see what he had to say to jk. hopefully he won't pull his daughter from the school. there's nothing like a little pressure of having a students parent in the class.

its almost time for "sex and the city". until next time…


Pevil said...

Jem and the Ethan-a-grams. How funny!

hez said...

now you have to name the next new students aja and kimber adn if its a boy, rio. omg, that would be the BEST.

so does jem have a cruch on you?

Kate said...

omg. i bought 13 going on 30 before having seen it. it's aDORable. and i have a small crush on mark ruffalo.

Prattlepants said...

oh - i have a sentence about a boy and a box... maybe better not to post it in public. im happy to see you are such a smash with young korean girls - of course!