Monday, November 29, 2004

the last super

no this isn't going to be my religious rant, nor is it going to be about jesus. instead its about having our goodbye dinner with sammy and julie. horace and i treated them to bbq at our favorite place. it had been over a month since we were last there. we were greeted with handshakes and hellos from our favorite bbq lady. it was good to be back. i forgot how good and fresh the food is there. by far its the best bbq in ansan. i can say that now because i've tried three other places. i did realize last night that i still not able to welcome soju back into my life. i tried drinking a little of it last night and it wasn't going down to well. i guess thats what happens when one over does it. hopefully in another months time i'll be able to return to my favorite korean beverage. in the meantime its back to beer. dinner was nice. it was kind of sad to realize that i won't be seeing sammy at school anymore. she's been so helpful and nice to us. hopefully we'll continue to keep in contact with her.

in school today the "little brenda" who was coloring a bunny decided to have the bunny called horace "a stupid, shithead" or something like that. of course it was in korean so he had sammy translate it. when he showed it to jk, jk sort of softened the whole thing up making light of the situation. i know i've never taught in america but i don't think our teachers and principals would make light of such a situation. at lunch sammy overheard "little brenda" whispering to lisa that she hates teacher horace. this little girl is definitely something. we now refer to her as "the omen" or "bad seed". the minute i see her head spin i'm out of there.

1 comment:

Pevil said...

DEVIL she's the DEVIL! Run like the wind she is the DEVIL!