Wednesday, March 01, 2006

the great eye debate

i'm not sure how we got on the topic but the other day i had a big debate about eye color with one of my classes. we were in class and i said something about harry having brown eyes. everyone in the class was like "no, teacher, no!" i looked more closely. yes, they were brown. again the students said no. then they said they all had black eyes. i told them no they didn't. their eyes were brown. this went on and on until i pulled christine in to settle the debate. when i asked her she immediately said black. all the the kids cheered. i looked at christine and said your eyes aren't black. she then corrected herself and told the students that yes their eyes were brown with black pupils. this made them all go "aaahhh!" then they all had to come look at my blue eyes. i told them about all the different colors of eyes back home. they giggled. at least the great brown debate has been solved. and hopefully they will stop saying they have black eyes.

be well...


Pevil said...

You are the blue eyed devil you know!

dac said...

leave those kids alone! i have black eyes too!