Monday, April 25, 2005

window gazing

fire in the garden
Originally uploaded by nightwing.

dear diary–
for the past couple of weeks as i'm listening to the students read the same stories over and over again i constanstly find myself staring out the window. with the coming of spring the field/garden that stands outside of my window has been getting tended to. the other day a man was burning off some debris to start anew. its kind of cool to watch them plant their new crops. i'm not really sure how they acquire space in the public garden but i look forward to it starting to grow in. so far there are a few yellow flowers here and there. yesterday i watched a woman and child rake and plow their plot. soon it will be filled with corn, cabbage, and various other edibles. until then i'll continue to watch its progress.

be well…


Anonymous said...

do the s. koreans get extra good citizen points based on their crop yield? what's the national vegetable of s. korean?


Pevil said...

FIRESTARTER! I'm a firestarter! (quoting the Prodigy)

Pevil said...

FIRESTARTER! I'm a firestarter! (quoting the Prodigy)