Monday, March 14, 2005

dunkin donuts manga art

dunkin donuts manga art
Originally uploaded by nightwing.

dear diary–
i really must say i love all the random stuff i see around here. i mean even the dunkin donuts has cool manga-style art. i saw these three pictures the other day when i was there with "j". of course i was eating my favorite tart donut. its a glaze donut with a semi-hole that has jelly and topped with chocolate icing and toasted coconut. its so good. for some strange reason i feel that i might have described it before. if so sorry. anyway, the way the dd is set up here you get to select your own donuts using a tray and tongs. its kind of like some of the bakeries in the mission. which is perfect for me because then i can choose the one with the most jelly. so i noticed these 3 drawing and was quite drawn to them. a lot has to do with my big fascination for manga and anime these days. although i thought it was kind of funny how none of them looked asian. perhaps the middle one could pass. who knows. all i know is that the dd here is cool and hip. just look at the pictures if you need proof. there were two others but they were more "family" orienated and were a different style and not as fun. basically they sucked. i'm hoping that maybe the dd's back home can learn a little something from their eastern friends.

as for my actual day it was pretty good. there's one class though that has a way of turning my good mood to bad. its literally 40 minutes of them calling my name in whining voices non-stop. tkd was really good today. after the big blowout a couple of weeks ago the classes have improved greatly.the bs has stopped and we are actually concentrating on doing taekwondo. imagine that. more importantly though is that i scored the winner goal in mini-soccer tonight. i should go pro.

be well…

the thing i'm craving
hostess pies


Pevil said...

I thought you already went pro? PRO hooker! God bless doughnuts.

Anonymous said...

they did play some awesome music in that dunkins. maybe you can open one in s.f. when you come home. gallery/dunkin/disco. i can work the monday & tuesday shift.
