Friday, March 18, 2005

lounge (closing time)

dear diary–
i have the most amazing friends ever! i want to thank all of you that sent emails and phoned. i really appreciated it. you guys don't know how much that meant. after i wrote my last entry i felt a little better. its amazing how simply writing out your thoughts can help you get a better understanding of things. especially when you know that other people are going to be reading them. this whole process of writing and opening up has been great for me. it something that i needed to do for awhile now. i kind of have the tendency to keep things to myself. i'm not really good at expressing myself to others but i think by writing my thoughts and not holding back i'm coming out of that shell. i will admit that i'm still not truly expressing everything but that will come in time. there are a few things i need to do before i reach that point but i have a feeling that will happen soon. especially in light of what happened to my dad i don't want to be a stranger anymore. as for my dad he's progressing slowly. i had a long talk with my mom and sister last night. although to be honest when i saw that they both called at 11pm i thought for sure something bad happened. thankfully that wasn't the case. not sure i could handle more bad news in this week. anyway, my dad is off the ventilator but he still has an oxygen tube in his mouth. his heart still needs some assistance in the breathing department. apparently due to all the medication he's on he has no idea of what happened. even though the doctors told him my mom had to tell him again yesterday. he's also getting quite frustrated since he can't really communicate with anyone quite yet. the doctors had him sitting the other day and they think that in a couple of days he might be able to walk. i'm sure the recovery process is going to be a long one. i really do admire my mom though. she has prven to be a lot stronger than i imagined her to be. it goes to show that in situations like this you have to do what you have to do. and right now she has alot to deal with. because she's got not other my dad to look after but also my grandmother. i'm hoping that my mom's brothers will come through and take my grandmother for a little while. my mom could definitely use the break. plus then she can just concrete on helping my dad.

while talking to my mom last night she told me that my bank/credit cards statements were still being forwarded to their house. two months ago through online banking i reguested them to stop sending paper statements. so much for online banking. needless to say i spent the next hour or so speaking to every department until i got it straightened out. thanks for sucking up all my minutes bofa. i think i had two coctails and let 8 smokes while dealing with them. everytime someone said goodmorning i replied "morning its 2am here, can we get this settled". i'm sure they loved talking to me. i can be such a bitch sometimes. which most of you probably know.

today i took a journey to emart to try to find hotdogs, hamburger buns, and hotdog buns. who would have thought finding that crap would be so difficult. this friday is the school dinner and i decided on burgers and dogs. to my complete amazement emart had everything i was looking for. i love emart. of course while i was there i kept throwing more shit into my cart. like i needs strawberry milk mix. am 8 years old? and then i got suckered into buying the pizza baguette. it looked so good. when i got home i torn into that thing. as you can imagine, being in korea and all, nothing is ever what it seems. my pizza baguette was anyting but pizza. no pizza sauce, no cheese. instead it was some sort of salad thing: crab meat, ham, peppers, corn, onions, some other mystery thing, and a ton of mayo on a baguette. i must say though it was actually quite tastey. i'd have another. this week there was also a high number of crazy apartment intercom speaker. at least 8 times. no lie. and its always in the morning. before they speak there a little "ding.ding.ding" which is now forever stuck in my head. i only wish i knew what they were saying. be well…

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i know wthe korean pizza suprise all to well. barf balls anyone?
glad to hear that things are on the up and that you've chosen to serve dogs!! happy to always help out.
