Wednesday, March 02, 2005

doll parts

dear diary—
i'm not sure how but i managed to get up around 10am. with just moments to spare i grabbed the remote to the TV and turned on Love's Pinwheel, my favorite korean drama. can't miss that! still feeling exhausted from the previous night i forced myself out of bed and into the shower. last night i mentioned something to fumi about going to see this "2005 erotica" exhibit. from the postcard advertising the show [see above photo] it looked like the exhibit was with dolls. it sounded kind of cool and seeing that today [sunday, february 27] was the last day i didn't want to miss it. i gave fumi a ring and she was still interested in going so we decided to meet around 1pm and make our when to hondae where the exhibit was. a couple of weeks earlier i had gotten young [a teacher at ils] to tell me how to get there. although i didn't know streets names i had a general idea of which way to go. plus there was a map on the back of the postcard. all i really needed to know was the subway stop and exit #. while enroute to the gallery fumi told me that it was faster to transfer to line 1 than the way i usually go. the things you learn. now i've saved myself 20 minutes. i love learning new things. we had sort of a twilight zone moment while switching to line 2. the first time we got on the train we were heading in the wrong direction. we got off at the next time switched back and ended up where we started still heading in the whole directions. that damn line 2. i always get thrown for a loop there. once we made it to our destination finding the gallery via the map was quite easy. the gallery was called davinci gallery. we opened the door and climbed down the stairs. above the stairs was a naked doll legs spread and fully detailed. it actually looked like a doll made from a pillow. this is wehn i thought "oh, no! it's going to be bad doll art". we made our way through the black curtain and int the actual gallery space. the lights were on very low and there were candles by all the pieces. there was gothy-eerie music playing in the background. we were immediately greet and after paying we were offered some tea. the space itself was fairly small but it had a great feel to it. it was perfect for this exhibit. as i said there were several different pieces that had these hand made dolls by chong yang hee. the show was amazing. the detail that went into these dolls and the different scenarios from the placements of their hands to the way the fabric drapes over them was unbelievable. it's been a long time since art has inspired me. there were four pieces that i was drawn to:

a bride
a woman spended from the ceiling completely naked except for some tulle that covered her thighs and was draped over a wire hoop skirt. her head hung low with her long, crimped blonde hair hanging down and her arms were out to the side. she almost looked like a fairy

a woman laying on a table with a red gown. her eyes half closed and her right hand hung slighlty off the table. her gown was draped around her ever so carefully. her red hair was off to the side and their were candles all around her.

aries [the title was in korean and this is what it translates to
this piece consisted of a cage suspended in the air. inside was a naked man with gray hair pulled back in a pony tail. his hands were tied in front. around his neck was a noose, the end of the rope was in a coil on the floor. their were candles around him too.

two girls sat on a victorian settee at either end. the girl on the left had her dressed pulled up and was exposing herself. the girl on the right was much younger and completely naked. under her arm was a bunny.

the other piece were just as good but those were the ones that stuck with me. we lingered around the gallery for about an hour or so. sometimes we were talking about our own creativity and dreams and other times we both just stood in silence admiring the work of arts. we left the gallery we some free postcards, a poster, and i bought a book of the artist's work called pandora's box. if any of you are interested check out this link

after leaving the gallery we head toward hongik university to walk around and shop. i saw a different part of the area then when i was there with misty, kate, and d. there was a whole strip we missed. i also got to see where all the clubs are that participate in club night. thats the second friday of the month where its 10,000 won to see 5 bands, or something like that. i forget. thats something that i want to check out one of these days. of course i did mangae to find a few things to purchase. wouldn't be a shopping day without buying. we ate at pietra, a pasta and pizza place. i had pasta with cabbage, crab, and toasted garlic. it was actually quite good. after dinner we walked around a little more and then decided to head home. on the way home while on the subway fumi got her ass grabbed by a little old woman. these koreans…
be well…

cutest thing i saw
punk rock korean girl with pink hair

blonde redhead
melody of certain damaged lemons
melody of certain three


Anonymous said...

oh oh, i love her!!! gosh...sigh..i miss korea :( have you been to that gallery yet?
i recently went to S.F. Creativity Explored (for the mentally challenged...aren't all great artists??) for their 'pink' show. everything in pink. one artist did ports of the sisters. I went w/ Lola. Everything was so cute and pink!!!

d-oll face

Pevil said...

I love adventures by JEthan.

Anonymous said...

well, i guess you made it to the davinci. guees i jumped the gun while you were blogging. the pic just got me excited.
