Saturday, March 12, 2005

prom night

prom night
Originally uploaded by nightwing.

dear diary–
well tonight was the big night. it was misty's 15th annual pnye's prom night in san francisco. while all my friends we're getting decked out in their prom best i sat here in korea all dressed up and nowhere to go. mostly because i'm trying to rid myself of this cold. this was the first time i missed the event in 5 years. i received a phone call around 4:30 pm [korean time] from heather who was at the big night. i talked with her a bit. she told me that jojo was crowned queen. that tiara should have been mine. then she passed me to adawg, who was decked out in her best goth girl outfit. i can't believe i missed seeing her. i'm sure she looked hella cute. i also got to speak with the hostess misty [who had a giant curl in her hair], derek [who was wearing big shoes], the lovely kate [who was wearing the prom dress she never got to in high school], and heather's hubby scott [who was decked out as spicoli]. i can't wait to see all the pictures of everyone. from the sounds of it everyone was having a great time. they all said they wished i was there. me too. i love these guys. it was especially great to hear adawg's voice. i've tried to call her before but never made contact so this was extra special. she said some really great encouraging things to me on the phone which meant so much especially since i've been feeling down. sometimes i think i'm the luckiest guy ever to have such great friends. i look forward to the day that i head back to sf to resume my life. i really do miss them all.

this week at school while i was helping one my students another one jordan started to play with my hair. they all seem to be fascinated with the curls. when i looked over at him he started to giggle. i told him he could touch my hair. with that he started to pull one of the curls and watched it spring back. sometimes these kids are too cute. didn't do much today expect for relax. i couldn't believe how wiped out i was from the week. i'm starting to feel a bit better too which is great. tomorrow i might be meeting my friend "j" from taekwondo and do a bit of shopping and eating. be well…


Anonymous said...

all i'm going to say is that you should have seen Pevil...that's all


Pevil said...

How did I miss the phone pass around? I must have been off spiking the punch. Sorry I missed that. Dang. You were greatly missed. Misty's outfit looked like she stole your's from last year!

Prattlepants said...

i just wanted to reach through the phone and squeeze you! although it was a great time, it wasnt the same without you. and D's right - Pevil/Todd should have been crowned King - ive never seem anyone with a dance to match that look... fucking brilliant!

Misty L said...

Ethan you were missed....really missed. I know you would have had the best outfit EVER. (Although the mullet wig would've been hard to beat). Sorry we didn't call you back for the countdown. By then I think I had started drinking shots so operating a phone would have been impossible. Oy.

Kate said...

What a party it was, but like everyone said, I missed you!! In your honor, I danced the 'Ethan Dance' to a Smiths song. There will be more...I don't see the pnye shindigs slowing down anytime soon...We'll be 80 years old & dancing with canes b/4 that party ever fades away. heh.