Tuesday, March 24, 2009

run for your life

previously on the e-list…

is it just me or does it seem that oatmeal is every where these days. about a month ago, i noticed that jamba juice had introduced "jamba oatmeal" available in 3 flavors. then, i saw that the starbucks next to my office had oatmeal as well. prior to that, there was a quaker oats quick fire challenge on top chef. and now, every where i look i'm haunted by the new quaker oats ad: go humans go. it's on practically every muni and there's also a giant billboard on the building near my apartment. why is oatmeal suddenly all the rage? did i miss the memo? has oatmeal become the "recession food" of 2009. i leave you with this:

it's the same ad that's on the building near my apartment. i see it daily. just where will i end up next is anyone's guess.
stay gold & be well…


guruburu said...

dont even compare.. jamba's oatmeal is way way better..
its fresh, organic and slow cooked. with the toppings they offer, its really amazing! thumbs up!!

Pevil said...

Actually it is recession food! NPR said so.

dac said...

that add says "oatmeal gives you so much gas, you fly to work like boba fett."