Sunday, March 29, 2009

motel 74

previously on the e-list…

this week i found myself actually venturing out during the week. i know, completely out of character but i'm trying to change things up a bit. on wednesday, i met up with my old pal rachel for some drinks. we went to ginger's [something] downtown. it was a quaint little hole in the wall. it was quite dark inside and the drinks were strong. while trying to find the light to the bathroom, i ended up burning my hand on the heater. good times.

on friday, i went out with some co-workers to the bamboo hut in north beach. we were taking sharon, my boss, out for drinks. friday was her last day. i started the evening with tropical drinks and ended it with some vodka tonics. probably not the wisest move on my part. i definitely felt the effects of the cocktails on saturday.

i managed to rally a bit on saturday morning to go to misty's for breakfast. afterwards, we took a stroll in golden gate park. we saw some not so great art. before heading home, i walked around stow lake. i had never been to the top of the hill so i decided to check it out. the view is amazing from up there. by the time i got home, i felt completely wiped out. the rest of my day was spent watching tv.

today, misty, kate, jojo, & i went to the movies to see sunshine cleaners. i was pleasantly surprised by the movie and enjoyed it quite a bit. tomorrow, i start my new position at work. i'm taking over for my former boss as the academic coordinator. i'm a little nervous about bit but i think it'll be a good experience for me. hopefully, i won't miss teaching too much. just where will i end up next is anyone's guess.

stay gold & be well…

1 comment:

Pevil said...

Congrats on the new job!