Thursday, September 06, 2007

all the holes in the walls

thanks for all the suggestions on new blog titles. some were quite funny while others were…well lets just say interesting. as you may have seen i have come up with a new one—my life on the e-list. can't take all the credit for it. must thank kathy griffin. for if it weren't for her show my life on the d-list, i might not have come up with the new title. its day 5 of my return. today i'm going to look at my first apartment. its been quite awhile since i had to be in the "looking for apartments" frame of mind. i'm sure it'll all go well. after all i'm not in any rush. time is on my side.

last night i went with misty, kate, and ted to see okkervil river at the independent. i never heard them before so i found it quite hard to get into their set. they had for the first couple of songs then they played something that completely lost me. it was kind of strange being in a crowded room with all these white people. there's a part of me that feels like my days of going to shows are behind me. perhaps this wasn't the best venue for my first outing. i'll definitely attend another gig of a band i'm familiar with but also have a feeling that the shows i go to will be few and far between. i guess only time will tell. and maybe once i'm back to my "normal" self i'll have a different attitude. the opener damien jurado—well what can i say—i felt like i should be sitting in a rocker on a porch somewhere in west virginia. not like thats a bad thing but for that moment it was a bit to mellow for me. i was already fighting sleep. he had a few catchy songs, so i just might pick up his cd to give it a proper listen.

stay gold & be well…


dac said...

happy hunting!

Pevil said...

I must say I really liked the Organ Lady Journals although it would have been difficult to explain. Good luck with the apt search! It will rock out, just you wait. As for shows, I am much more on the infrequent list myself. Unless I really like the band, just can't do it. I am too short so paying $20 to be pushed around and strain my neck isn't as appealing as it used to be.

Scott said...

Welcome back chief. Great title for the blog.

See you Saturday!