Wednesday, January 03, 2007


my film review will be postponed until next week. been a bit under the weather and last night i found myself at an impromptu dinner meeting. there are some changes happening at our school [all for the better] so our boss wanted to talk to us before he left for new zealand with some students for a special program. i'm still wondering why i didn't get to go. sob.sob. anyway last night was the first real meal i was able to eat in two days. i literally stuffed myself. needless to say this morning i wasn't feeling any better. perhaps grilled beef and a pound of kimchi isn't the best thing to eat when feeling ill. oh, well. it was just so good i couldn't help myself. i did manage to make it to taekwondo this morning. it was me and about 30 youngsters. i really don't like the early vacation schedule. there's not much space to practice with all the little ones running around. hopefully by next week i'll be back on track. for those that enjoy my little reviews please come back next thursday. i promise to have a new one. one more thing before i leave. yesterday [january 3] was my dear friend kate's birthday. i want to wish her all the happiness and to let her know i miss her. happy birthday kate. i love you.

stay gold & be well…
jethan signing out.

p.s. check here to see the infamous fame photos. thanks for posting them princess.


Kate said...

thank you E! xoxoxoxoxoxoxox

Bonnie Conquest said...

poor sick lil ethan :(

Scott said...


Grilled beef and kimchi are your friends. Embrace them.