Monday, January 01, 2007

essex dogs

well new years came and went…i rang in the new year on the hill with the military, hookers, mos, and good friends. the evening started out at princess's fab pad where we drank wine, drank cocktails, smokes cigs, listened to music, and had a mini dance party. princess captured some of my routine to fame. pictures to come later. i'm sure they're priceless. i persuaded bc to venture out by playing the leaving card. i'm bad. but i didn't want her to spend it at home and knowing that my time with her is limited i want to get the most out of it. by the time we met up her i was already a bit tipsy. we headed off to queen where we secured a table by the window. two for one drinks soon followed. my first one went down very slow. the evening hadn't even started and already one gal was parading around in her sports bra. the majority of the people were westerns. i was told by one that he liked my glasses. luckily i was fortunate enough to have two very cute korean boys standing near our table. i was like a deer caught in the headlights. i couldn't stop watching them. i kept referring to the blonde haired one as vanilla sundae. korean boys with blonde hair are uber sexy. they kept me entertained playing with balloons and dancing. that was until they left. i didn't get up the courage to chat him up. my loss. princess nabbed us some felafels from the restaurant across the street. never in all my life have a tasted anything so good. we rang in the new year, then bc headed off home. princess and i decided to check out soho. not much happening there besides boys dancing on the pool table. oh my. about this time i got a killer headache so we headed off home. on the way i stopped in bk and got a mushroom steakburger. why does bk taste soooo good here. today was spent in a somewhat daze. tomorrow its back to the kiddies and taekwondo. not quite ready to get back to the grind.

stay gold & be well…

p.s. happy birthday, lj. miss ya!


Pevil said...

Happy New Year JEthan! Looking forward to seeing you here in SF in 2007! Smooches.

KorJen said...

Yes, the New Year... Cruise on over to my Blog for your FAME pics!!! LOL

Kate said...

Happy New Year E!!!!!
I miss you! I love you!