Wednesday, January 24, 2007

song of the nile

*sniff. sniff. there is no movie review today. i was at school last night until 11:30 pm cleaning. we had an open house of sorts for our new kindergarten this morning. which meant a mad dash of cleaning last night. most of the teachers stuck around to help. it seems we have two special girls [sadly both foreigners] who feel they just don't have to help. i actually had to clean one of their classrooms. it looked more like a storage room then classroom. i'm still trying to figure out how one uses a whiteboard when their desk is pushed directly in front of it. hmmmm, they don't. can't say i was really surprised by their actions. these girls seem to afflicted with the me syndrome. but enough of them for now—i do have a great epic post about them that will be coming soon. its a work in progress since there is just so much to say on the matter.

cell block & flag

so lets back up a few days. sunday i spent my last outing in korea with bc. it seemed only fitting that she choose the prison. nothing like death and imprisonment before saying goodbye. i was a bit underwhelmed by it. after visting auschwitz nothing else quite compares. korea's prison camp reminded me of alcatraz sans the island and ferry that took you there. i couldn't really be bothered to read any of the signs. i let bc do that. with her around it's like having my own walking/talking cliff notes. without her i will be completely lost. at least when visiting historical sites. we spent the next hour in kyobi bookstore where i headed to hot trax to buy a cd—same old story. the ever so helpful princess had found it for me. from there we ventured to our favorite restaurant in insadong. the name of which escapes me. perhaps that's because i don't know it. we chowed on a korean pancake and various side dishes. we asked the waiter to cut our kimchi since none of us have mastered the fine art of breaking apart kimchi with chopsticks. with full bellies we went to a wine cafe for one final drink. bc and i bid our farewell on the train. actually we had a bit of confusion about how long we would be on the train together. we stood there looking at each other as the train door shut between us. from the platform i waved goodbye as bc headed down the tracks toward home.

prison photos here

stay gold & be well…


Pevil said...

Did you sing Jailbreak as you toured? Farewell to a great friend. More adventures on your way.

Bonnie Conquest said...

Oh gawd, it was so sad, saying goodbye like that. I miss you, so much. Thanks for my CD. Listened to it at my new place yesterday... Ah yeah.