Thursday, August 10, 2006

hot, hot, heat

can i just say how freakin HOT it is here. now i know what hell must feel like. its been extremely difficult to readjust, especially after coming back from a chilly-cool sf. i'm starting to remember why i left florida all those years ago. there's nothing like stepping outside and getting smacked in the face with heat. hi, instanst sweat. since i've returned from vacation i've been waking up at 6am every morning. which means by 9pm i end up passing out. i haven't returned to taekwondo yet. so not looking forward to practicing in this heat. it looks like i'm going to return next thursday. they don't have class on monday and tuesday is a holiday. oh, and on top of it all i'm moving this saturday. i have mixed feeling about it even though i was the one that asked to move. the new place is slightly smaller and all the appliances are NEW so thats a major plus. the down side is moving in this heat. grin and bear it i guess. i spent most of thursday morning packing so i'm all ready to go. at least the new place is only a few blocks away. i'm close to a park, too. so thats cool. i was hoping my apartment would be either a rooftop apartment or facing the park. unfortunately there's only one apartment in the building left and it has neither option. at least its in the building i wanted to be in. i'm just going to keep a positive attitude about it. the part of moving i do like is the redecorating. thats always fun. yesterday i rearranged my classroom. i needed to have my desk under the aircon. this month starts a new schedule at our school. i'm slightly sad about this because i lost a lot of my good classes. these were the students i've been teaching since day one. now i'm gonna have to start anew. change is good. so most likely my weekend will be spent fixing up my new place and catching up on much needed sleep. i still don't quite feel like myself. perhaps i'll even get into seoul to see some peeps. i'm not sure when i'll have internet connection again so i might be gone for a few days. see ya soon.

be well…

1 comment:

Kate said...

happy moving, e. lots o changes going on for you. send some pics of your new place!