Tuesday, August 22, 2006


nap time
Originally uploaded by nightwing.

every day like clockwork around noon the workers take a break. i can see them from my little balcony that serves as a home to my washer. most of the time they are shirtless and napping. on some occasions they are just sitting there smoking cigs and talking either on their cell phones or to each other. yesterday while i was on the balcony i actually busted one of them taking a piss. sure enough there he was standing in a corner or what might be a corner when they are finished taking a leak. this lead to me to think about my new apartment and to question how much piss is mixed into the foundation here. it makes you wonder.

another odd scene witnessed by bc and myself took place on sunday. we had just left the hotel and were walking down the street. in an alley like street to our right was a man in a sort of push up like position with his back way arched. there was another man standing next to him with a hose who was giving him a bath. yes, i shit you not. he was getting hosed down in the middle of the street. bc and i looked at each other in pure amazement. we both wanted to whip out our cameras but neither of us did. its these moments that make my life here so enjoyable.

be well…


Anonymous said...

its nice to see you're back in seoul - tomorrow night in hongdae for a farewell bite and giggle if you are keen.

and im impressed to see you wore a so-wrong. i personally find men in so-wrongs, SO-right :)

Pevil said...

Hm. That is rather odd. Bathing in the street. Will you try it? When in Seoul...

Bonnie Conquest said...

Oh Ethan, wasn't that diviiine?
To go from the silly posh of the hotel to the nearby lane with tanned topless guys hosing each other...