Wednesday, April 05, 2006

the korean wave

the "korean wave" is at full force. and no i'm not talking about the popularity of korean dramas or musicians that are sweeping their way across the nation. instead i'm referring to the vast majority of korean men/boys who are getting perms or more percisely wavy perms. from my students to my sahbanim everyone is jumping aboard. what is this fascination for hair with texture? i don't know. i'm finding it quite amusing though. this is perhas why i'm asked on a daily basis if i have a perm. curly hair is just not the normal. but thats not stopping them. perhaps this "korean wave" is a way for them to stand out. to set them apart. or simply just wanting something they don't have. as a curly haired person i alway wanted straight hair. i even went as far as getting a "magic straight" last year. needless to say it was a disaster. one of my students, jordan, wrote about his experience with his perm. i believe he's 9 years old. i can never keep track of all their ages. anyway i leave you now with jordan's words:

I Don't like permanent because permanent is for long time.
But permanent is finished I and beautiful.
I like my hair designer.
[typed exactly as written]

be well…


Pevil said...

The next thing you know they will all be getting the Dorothy Hamil!

Anonymous said...

maybe if you mean sahbanim is the TKD teacher, sahbunim is closeer to the right word i guess.

a fan of your blog...