easter parade in ansan
Originally uploaded by nightwing.
dear diary–
on sunday i was enjoying a nice relaxing day of watching tv. i was in bed watching "medium" when i heard what sounded like a marching band. at first i thought it was music coming from one of the many stores. usually when a store is having a grand opening they play music and have dancing girls. not thinking much about it i turned back to the tv. the music got louder and louder. i decided to go downstairs and look out the window. a couple of blocks away i saw people walking down the street in a parade formation. i was tempted to put on shoes and ran down but it didn't look that interesting. i watched for a few minutes and then returned back upstairs. about an hour or so later i was into the second episode of "medium" when i heard the music again. curiousity always getting the best of me i ran downstairs to see where they were now. the parade was only a block from my house. as i watched i noticed someone dressed as jesus carrying a cross walk down the street. that alone should have been a clue that perhaps this was an easter parade. to be honest i didn't realize it was easter. where were all the easter bunny pictures? the chocolate bunnies? the colored eggs? the peeps for christ sakes [forgive but i had to throw that in]? it wasn't until the bus with the "god is love" slogan passed by that it all came together. it was such a bizarre little parade. very haphazard and no one stopped to watch it pass by. i did manage to take a few pictures but seeing that i was so far away they're all slightly grainy at best. i'm adding a link at the bottom so you can view them if you like. its definitely the little things like this which i love about being here. you never know whats around the corner. i hope you all had a great easter. i was always a bigger fan of the white chocolate bunnies. not sure why. i always had to one. the chocolate bunnies jsut wouldn't do the trick. how i miss having an easter egg hunt too. weren't those the days. you'd get up. look at your easter basket. stuff some candy into your mouth and then get ready to tear your house apart in search of eggs. of course the plastic eggs with toys, candy, and money were much better than finding real eggs. what about the malted chocolate eggs. they came in several different colors and if you licked the candy coating enough you could then apply it to your lips as lipstick. the things you come up with as children. although i must say everytime i have one of the malted eggs i still put on the candy lipstick. somethings will never change. anyway…i hope somewhere out there a little child bit the ears off their white chocolate bunny for me. be well…
snaps from the little easter parade that could…