Monday, November 02, 2009

wants & needs

previously on the e-list…

i just realized that the last time i blogged about my photo group was back in february 09 and that was for january's theme. bad blogger. over the next couple of days i'm going to attempt to catch every one up with the themes i didn't post. for those of you just joining my blog, if there are any out there, every month a group of us take photos of a particular theme. we have 30 days to take 20 pictures of the given subject. at the end of the month we upload them to flickr to a group that i create. so that's the group in a nutshell. if any one out there wants to join, simply send me an email. with that said, some links to past photo themes. i'm going to do it in pairs. hope you enjoy. just where will i end up next is any one's guess.

february 2009 theme: 20 love, 30 days
march 2009 theme: 20 green, 30 days

stay gold & be well…


Kate said...

I'm so glad you came up with this idea. I'm all over this months' theme. Bring it on!

KorJen said...

i also love the photo themes, hooray