Sunday, November 22, 2009

make me smile [come up and see me]

previously on the e-list…

we had our holiday potluck at school on friday. staff, host families, & students all brought food to share. the school supplied the thanksgiving basics: turkey, stuffing, gravy, mashed potatoes, and cranberries. everything seemed to be going smoothly until it came time to carve the turkey. no one had thought about needing a carving knife in advance. so there i was left to carve a turkey with a butter knife & plastic fork. not quite sure how i got stuck with the task. oh wait, could it be because no one else takes any initiative. anyway…to makes matters worse i had students lining up asking for turkey before i had even cut any. there's nothing like starving students breathing down your neck. half way through i abandoned the plastic fork & just started pulling turkey off the bone with my fingers. nothing like getting your hands dirty. it was the first time for most of the students to have turkey and they all seemed to enjoy it which makes it worth it in the long run. here's hoping we have an actual carving knife next year.

i went and saw new moon on saturday with some friends. i didn't really like twilight and mainly went to be social. i'm trying something new these days. i'm sure i'm going to get some hate mail for this next comment, but i've got to admit i thought the movie was pretty boring. it felt as if i was watching a very long, drawn out afternoon soap opera. i didn't care much for the bella character at all. she seemed quite needy and selfish. the only redeeming factor of the whole film was the shirtless werewolf clan. whenever they appeared on screen, my interest peaked. go figure. the other highlight was seeing a preview for the new john woo film red cliff that looks awesome. i'll definitely be checking that out.

after the film, misty & i did some shopping around japantown. i love that mall, especially the cheap japanese stores there that sell everything for $1.50. note to self: go to japantown more. just where will i need up next is any one's guess.

stay gold & be well…


Unknown said...

Ooh, the poster for that RED CLIFF movie really does look cool. I'll have to look up the trailer online now.

Kate said...

I totally would have gone at it with my hands too. Lucky guy, you get two Thanksgiving dinners!

Prattlepants said...

dude, the red cliff trailer is pretty badass. i'll go see it with you boo... have a happy double turkey day!

j. ethan duran said...

it's a date chattyslacks!