Wednesday, December 12, 2007

down the line

previously on the e-list…

i wandered down to the haight this week to do a bit of christmas shopping. for the most part the haight is basically the same—street kids all asking for money or smokes. i managed to find a few things i needed. on my way home i saw this festival, yet scary christmas window. it took me a minute to realize that the person wasn't real.

christmas window in haight

well, it's been 3 months since i returned and i finally had my first korean meal here in the states. i went with d and john. the food was quite good and reminded me of being in korea. the prices, however, seemed extremely high. i guess i'll just have to search out my hood for an inexpensive korean dining experience. after dinner we headed over to the stro to get some coffee at cafe flora. i had myself an eggnog latte which was quite delicious.

on saturday i headed off to concord to visit the huegels. i hadn't seen the twins since my last visit to the states which was in august 2006. i can't believe how much they have grown. it's always an experience to leave the city and venture off to the suburbs. one thing that i have realized is that the burbs make me feel uncomfortable. the one thing i love about the burbs is seeing things like this…

concord house


you gotta love it. that night scott took me to a "hipster" bar in concord. they like to refer to it as the star wars bar. hmmm. before entering the door guy asked me if i was wearing a collared shirt. enough said. in all honestly it was a pretty decent place. its good to know that there are some cool places to hang out at even in the burbs. sunday morning scott made us pancakes. yummy. afterwards i gave the boys their christmas gifts.

opening a present

then we made our way to the park for a nice sunday stroll. i saw a coyote. how exciting! we stopped off to have some lunch where scott managed to spill a full beer on me. he tried to blame it on finn, but it was all him. finn seemed to be enjoying dipping his bread into ketchup and licking it off. i actually think all he ate was ketchup. i spent a little more time at the house waiting for my jeans to dry then it was back to the city.

on monday i went to japantown. i so love japantown. i always find all these things i want to buy. i was actually quite good and only spent $4 on some bunny sauce dishes. not sure why but i seem to have a thing for bunnies. last night misty, d, john, & i went to see the golden compass. it was like a comedy of errors seeing that both misty and i forgot our cellphones so there was no way of telling if the boys were there or not. after looking all around we decided to just head into the movie. they were already there. don't really have much to say about the movie itself. i'm still trying to figure out how i feel about it. although i do wonder why people feel the need to talk during the movie. can't you keep quite quiet for at least 2 hours. and babies...come on! ok, that about wraps it up for now.

for more photos of the huegel boys click here

stay gold & be well…


Scott said...

Well, I figured your highlight of the 'burb trip would be that creepy Jesus sign.

As for the dress code at the bar, well, what can I say? We're just "classy" that way out here in Concord.

Shoot man, I'm just glad we have a single place out this way that isn't full of rednecks and whackos.

Anyway, great pics!

Pevil said...

Great pictures of the boys!

Prattlepants said...

i know why you're afraid of the burbs... because they're EVIL! However, the Huegel twins are crazy cute. I guess that makes up for it.

I loved the Golden Compass. I didn't want to, but I did. Sassy girls kick ass.

Love you!!!

Martin Hsu said...

thank you for the nice comment! happy holidays :)