Tuesday, August 14, 2007

handle with care

will the rain ever stop! i'm beginning to feel like a drowned cat. the only good thing about it is that everything is so green and the sunflowers are in full bloom. one would think that the rain would have cold down the temp a bit but no. its like being in a sauna. my hair is having a hell of a time. it wants to curl so badly yet theres hardly any hair to curl. what's a boy to do? hide inside and watch "my life on the d-list". if you haven't watched it, you must. that shit is funny. i spent the weekend bopping around seoul meeting up with friends and shopping for all those last minute things i can't live without. thought about getting some more sight seeing in but i think i'm over that. i can't believe i'll be back in the states in 17 days. tomorrow is a holiday. its korea's independence day. once again i'll be heading into seoul to meet up with some peeps and for some shopping. i think i've gone mad! today was anna's last day of work. it was pretty uneventful. she basically checked out two months ago. of course while i'm trying to get my lessons plans done for my replacement she did nothing for hers. sometimes i wonder why i work so hard. the kids have been grating my nerves this week. i got two new additions to my 6 year olds bringing the number up to 9. these two new ones don't listen at all. they are too busy talking to each. i have to yell at them every 5 minutes. the other day the girl, debbie, fell asleep in class. i think she suffers from narcolepsy. the girl can sleep in a moments noticed. then there's linc. the boy who scratches his head everytime i ask him a question as if he's thinking of an answer. he never has one. he can barely remember his own name. his new thing this week is to grunt and point. so now i'm telling cavemen. oh the joy of it all. on the plus side my favorite student davis return this week from his vacation in the philippines. i love him. i keep telling him i'm bringing him back with me. hehe. i will definitely miss that little guy. friday is summer camp day. this should be interesting. thankfully the kindergarten kids don't have to spend the night. not really sure where we are going cuz no one told us. i'm sure where ever it is it will involve a pool. here's hoping it doesn't rain.

stay gold & be well…

1 comment:

Pevil said...

What a great vacation Ethan! And it sure looks like you and Joey hit it off. It took me back to my Vietnam journey. We will have to compare stories upon your return. Get here sooN!