Thursday, May 03, 2007

still take you home

the signs keep coming my way. after 2 and half years taekwondo has come to end. at least for now. my kwanjangnim sold his school. both him and sahbomnim are leaving and a new master is taking over. so with that i decided to take a hiatus until i figure out what i want to do. its funny how things work out. for awhile now i've been thinking of a way to quit but never did. i knew that telling kwanjangnim i simply wanted to quit wouldn't fly. and since we had formed a friendship i found it harder and harder to just leave. there was always some amount of guilt lurking in the background, so i stayed. i'm glad i did. even though it took alot for me to show i always felt good afterwards. now my need for an excuse is gone. sure i could stay on, but i never really made a connection with the new master. plus i accomplished what i originally set out to do and that was get a black belt. i tried to talk to kwanjangnim about selling the school. there was a part of him that seemed to regret it. he mentioned how once the papers were signed the new master seemed to change and not in a good way. that was another reason for me not continuing. i mean, if kwanjangnim didn't think much of him as a teacher why would i stay on. kwanjangnim told me to call him if i ever head into seoul and we can catch a movie, have some drinks, etc. we'll see what happens. sometimes its hard keeping in touch with folk. hopefully we will. i wish him all the best in whatever he decides to do next. i did ask him to set up a workout schedule that i can do at home. i'm still waiting for it though. in the meantime i'm gonna take a month off and figure out what i want to do. i feel like i need some form of exercise and i know that if i join a gym i'll never go.

at school today we had "about me" book show and tell. the teachers participated as well. i threw mine together late last night. it was fun looking at the students pictures and hear them talking about themselves. it basically took all day and by the end it was like pulling out your hair. i kept looking for hot dads but there weren't too many of them. the scary thing is that i'm as old as most of the parents. no wonder the kids keep asking if i'm married. i told them that i wanted to be a ninja. hehe. tomorrow is another field trip. we are going to the movies to see spiderman 3. oh the joys of teaching kindergarten.

stay gold & be well…


KorJen said...

A break from taekwondo might be good for you.. time to re-evaluate stuff. I'm sitting here in Canada... with no job.. and I'm bored... I am painting my new bedroom just to pass the time... I had a job offer, but then it disappeared! the guy told me i was starting on monday and then he never called me back.. i guess a hogwan is just a hogwan no matter the side of the ocean its on!
so... that's about it from here... Astrid is great.. but she hates her job more than anything in the world. Life carries on i guess!

dac said...

SPIDERMAN 3!!! Are you going to dress-up? According to Comic Book Bear (the owner of the store in the 'stro...hee), there's a Spiderman Bear Dance Party this weekend after the showing...I heard a rumor that maybe BearClaw and Wolverina will make a guest appearance....................

Scott said...

Man, I'm sorry to hear about the TKD hiatus. You know me, so I'm biased, but I don't think you should quit.

Maybe quit that school, and just find another one.

Kate said...

Sounds like a good time to stop and figure out what your next fun thing will be. Tai Chi? Orchid raising? Do what feels right and the next thing will show up.. I'm seeing Spidey 3 tonight!