Wednesday, September 20, 2006

damaged people

oh the places you can go…last night while having a fit of insomnia i decided to "personalize" my free google page. while searching for things to put on it i stumbled upon a link for FOUND magazine. i love this mag. having been away for so long i had forgotten about this gem. they specialize in printing "found" materials: letters, photos, lists, etc. that give a glimpse into someone's life. i never really thought to look for them online. my mistake. but now that i've "found" them again i can go back to enjoying those treasures left behind. be sure to check it out if you're into stuff like that. i know i am…

so while on the FOUND site i came across an ad for the movie the science of sleep. it's a new film by michel gondry. the trailer looks amazing. very visual, very mystical. i can't wait to see it. i only hope it finds its way to korea. its looks like one of those films that needs to be seen on the big screen. what has me most excited is that it stars gael garcia bernal. a definite hottie if i do say so myself. ever since amores perros i've been a huge fan of his. and then there was y tu mama tambien. swoon!

movie still

in the film bernal's character is living somewhere between his "dream" world and "reality". he comes up with a disastrology calendar, illustrations of diastors likes car crashes, plane crashes, earthquakes, etc. you can see these images on the site. the drawings are actually pretty cool in a weird kind of way. here's a sample:


anyway…i think i've lost track of what i was attempting to say. so here's to the bizarre and quirky.

be well…


Bonnie Conquest said...

Mmmm yeah swoon.
And Charlotte Gainsbourg ain't bad neither.

audrey said...

Charlotte Gainsbourg has that 'pretty/ugly' thing going on. She's so interesting to look at.

A friend of mine's cousin starred with GGB in a play in London. He asked her to be his London lady friend. Such things will just never ever happen to me.

Prattlepants said...

i lOVE the trailer for this film. gael is dreamy and charlotte gainsbourg is, well, sexy. dead sexy. i cant wait to see this movie.

Kate said...

I'm planning on going to this this week! I'll let you know..