Friday, May 26, 2006

the wonder speech

there are times i absolutely love my job. this weeks speech:

wonder woman
wonder woman, wonder woman
all the world's waiting for you
and the power you possess
in your satin tights,
fighting for your rights
and the old red, white, and blue.

bullet proof bracelets

i found an mp3 of the wonder woman theme online so i could play it for them. they all seemed to like it. the whole week they kept asking me to hear it one more time. jeff upon hearing the song told me he doesn't like singing. it was great watching them recite the song. most of them did fairly well. jordan manage to say "and the old red, white, and yellow". of all the colors he blurts out yellow. i guess for those of us from u.s.a it just seems natural to say red, white, and blue. in peter's class we had some extra time so i decided to show them an episode from the wonder woman tv show. they kept telling me too much talking. no understanding. they wanted to see wonder woman fighting so i fast forwarded to the fight scenes. they were impressed with her bullet proof bracelets. harry asked me if the bracelets could deflect superman's heat vision. where do they come up with this stuff.

in ben's class i've been showing them an episode from the old batman tv show. of course it's from season three that featured batgirl. when i was younger i got excited when i saw batgirl riding across the screen on her batcycle during the opening credits. that meant she was on that episode. score!! didn't really care too much when she wasn't on. when robin appeared on screen ben yelled out "he has on green panties." panties seems to be a favorite word among them all. i tried to explain to them they aren't panties but his costume. they didn't care. in their mind he was wearing panties and so was batman. they loved the fight scenes with the giant POW! BAM! WHAM! it was quite fun watching it with them and telling them what was happening. oh the joys of teaching batman.

the bat gang

be well…


Pevil said...

I always got super excited when Batgirl was on too. Gee I wonder why?!? I always liked the Penguin too. I wanna be in your class.

Scott said...

Glad to see that your students will learn to appreciate the true value of America, which is of course, Adam West in tights.