Sunday, May 14, 2006

brownie balls

i have discovered my greatest enemy here in korea. its the dreadfully delicious brownie ball [see above picture]. no matter how i try to stay away i can hear it calling out to me, "come eat us, ethan. we are yummy. very good for you." these little devils were discovered oneday when i stopped off at this bakery near my school. this little bakery rocks. i had passed by it many times before but nothing ever caught my eye. everything looked blaah. but now that they are under new management everything there looks and tastes yummy. the husband and wife that work there are super friendly. sometimes they even give me free stuff. as you can probably guess i go there quite a bit. its my favorite place to go for snacky-snacks. my other two favs from the bakery are these sticky bread things that are stuffed with potatoes. so good. then there are the little creme puffs i discovered a couple of days ago. they kind of remind me of the creme puffs my grandmother use to make. so much for all the weight i lost doing taekwondo.

this week has been pretty uneventful. i managed to take a fall in tkd trying to do a spinning turn kick. somehow my elbow ended up crashing into my upper rib cage. ouch! i've been self medicating myself on muscle relaxants for the past 4 days. that also meant i skipped class on thursday and friday. my master probably thinks i'm a whimp. oh well. the body just doesn't seem to hold up like it did in my youth. i did get a new red taekwondo t-shirt on tuesday. how exciting is that! i was hoping it was going to have a cute anime character on it. it didn't. its our summer uniform. now if only i could get new pants. my old ones are so big i have to turn the waistband over to keep them on.

this weekend i stayed home to try to rest up. i thought about being productive but decided against it. most of the time was spent chatting, watching tv, and eating. although i did manage to edit down my images for the exhibit. so i guess in a way that's something. what else? its been one week and two days since i've had a coke/pepsi. the first couple of days was quite brutal. my body was actually craving it. now i can do without. i'm not even tempted when i see a bottle of coke in the store. i am going to allow myself a milkis here and there. i'm not really sure if its a soda or not. its some sort of carbonated milk drink that tastes like a sweet tart. not a drink you can get addicted to on a daily basis. i've also just discovered these yogurt drinks you can buy at the corner store. i love the fact that i'm still finding new things here.

the other exciting thing is that spring is here! i picked some daisies the other day. they were growing along the side of the road. daisies make me happy. i took chelsea, one of my students, on friday to pick some. she was grabbing a handful for her mother. on the way back to school she looked down at her bouquet of daisies then at me and said, "aren't these beautiful." then she took a big sniff and remarked at how they don't smell good. thats when i told her that not all flowers smell good. some are meant soley to admire their beauty.

be fresh. be flora. be well…

countdown to sf: 2 months, 18 days


Pevil said...

What's that song by Ween about daisies that you love so much..something like "see the little daises and pick 'em up" or something. Those brownie balls would be the death of me. Can't wait to see you this summer!

Kate said...

I love daisies too!! I've been doing some gardening at my new place and will plant some daisies just for you, e!

j. ethan duran said...

to pevil: URGHHH! thanks for putting that dreadful song back into my head.

to kate: sweet!

Misty L said...

omg - those brownie balls look AMAZING! Can you ship some overnight to me? hahahahaha.