Thursday, May 18, 2006


i got myself a chest x-ray today. i debated about whether or not i really needed to do so but figure its better to be safe than sorry. as i mentioned in a previous blog i took a nasty fall while attempting to do a spinning turn kick. that kindo of makes me sound tough huh. spinning turn kick. anyway during the course of the week the pain sort of shifted from my lower chest to upper chest. on monday it really didn't seem to hurt so bad. on tuesday while doing some extreme stretching i got a sudden rush of pain in my upper pectorial area. i couldn't do sit-ups, jumping jacks, and even trying to do my poomse hurt like a bitch. seeing that the pain was still lingering on wednesday and my over the counter muscle pain killers weren't working the people at work suggested i go see a doctor. this morning young came with me to the bone doctor. he also happens to be a parent of one of our students. but thats really besides the point since i don't even his child. so there i am at the bone doctors with young, the doctor, and two assistants. the conversation is flowing around me and i know they're speaking about me but i have no clue. its like being a life-size doll. you go where they point and do what they say. i told the doctor about the incident and my pain via translation through young. he could actually speak a little english but not so sure he understood my fast talking. the only words the x-ray tech spoke were "ok". i basicially let me put me in the various positions needed. it took all of 5 minutes. back in the doctors offices i watched as he placed my x-rays up on the light table. its kind of surreal to be looking at your insides while the people around you are talking in korean. the doc could have been telling young about all these awful things that were wrong with me and i wouldn't have had a clue. luckily, nothing was broken. the doc thinks its one of two things: 1. something with my lung or heart or 2. simply just some muscle irriation. he's going with #2 as am i. he prescribed me some meds and said that if i didn't get better in a few weeks and i should another doctor. now i have all these pretty pills to take: green ones, pink ones, white ones, etc. and i i just tell you that i paid under $10 for the office visit, x-rays, and meds combined. makes one think what the hell is wrong with the health care system in the states. i paid $50 just to step into the kaiser office. bastards!! i decided to lay low the rest of the week. mainly meaning no tae kwon do. hopefully the pain with go away soon. it totally hurts every time i laugh, cough, or sneeze. of course this week i get a case of coughing. go figure. does someone hate me up there? some good news to report. as of today my class is all internet ready. yeah!! now i just have to lug my laptop to school everyday. i also found someone locally who can order me memory and instal it for me. now i don't have to go to the crazy computer area. life is good!

be well…

countdown to sf: 2 months, 14 days


Pevil said...

Glad nothing is broken! With the reds, greens, and blues you are taking are you sure you aren't Elvis? Damn right about the jacked up health care for those with money here in the states. Lame.

Kate said...

hey e, glad to hear you are not broken. you tough spin kickin' dude. sleep more. it helps.