Tuesday, May 30, 2006

golden sea of posters

it's election time here in korea. for the past couple of weeks i've been seeing korean woman standing on corners with sashes. at first i was unclear as to what they were doing then it all came together. they're out there trying to get support for their candidate. if there's one thing i noticed about korean is that they like making posters, signs, etc. they have them for everything. so it only makes sense for them to have mini-posters for all the candidates. i've noticed the many faces posted on fences all along my walk to and from school. these posters are quite the colorful sorts. i find them quite interesting to stare out. perhaps its due to their strange backgrounds. they kind of have a teletubby feel to them. these posters have a tendenacy to make the candidate on them seem so appealing and lifelike. quite the opposite to the ones at home which are usually on either on a blue or red background. i must admit i'm not very political which is probably not such a good thing. but these posters made me want to get involve. maybe we should jump on this bandwagon back home. i've always been scared of the candidates that ran in the states. they all seem to have the same stale typical politician look to them. not really sure why i find these posters so fascination. it could be due to the fact i'm in awe with anything asian these days. i still believe there's an asian person trapped inside my body somewhere. and they're screaming to get out. then again who really knows why we like the things we do. we just do. anyway…wednesday's election day. we get the day off. sweet! hopefully i'll get some work done for the upcoming exhibit. need to get on that. but i'll probably end of wasting the day doing nothing. i would go out and vote but i can't. oh well. here's a glimpse of the smiling faces i've been seeing for the past couple of months. tell me wouldn't you want to vote for them too?

enjoy your day.i know i will.

be real. be fresh. be well…


Pevil said...

Wow, I like the scrolling feature.

Kate said...

hey, um, can you wrangle a date for me with the one w/ the blue background who's gazing off to the right as if to say... "i want to meet a cute redhead who will come romp in the water behind me.." huh? can you?